Productivity and Quality in Smart Manufacturing Systems


Prof. Moses L. SINGGIH – Publications



  1. Handojo, A., Pujawan. N., Santosa. B and M.L. Singgih, 2023, A multi layer recency frequency monetary method for customer priority segmentation in online transaction, 2023, Cogent Engineering, 10:1, 2162679, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  2. Mulyana.Ig. J, M. L. Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Y. B. Hermanto, 2023,  Identification and Prioritization of Lean Waste in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): A Proposed Framework, 2023,  Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 137, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Hakim, I. M., M.L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2023, Critical Success Factors for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Automotive Companies, Indonesia,  Sustainability 2023, 15, 2909, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  4. Tengtarto, M. A. K., M. L. Singgih and N. Siswanto, 2023, Cost Optimization in Disruption Conditions: A Case Study in Small Medium Enterprise, Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. Miami, v. 8, no. 5, p. 01-16, e01474, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Karningsih, P .D., W. Puspitasari., and M. L. Singgih, 2023, Cost-Integrated Lean Maintenance to Reduce Maintenance Cost,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya 60111, East Java, Indonesia, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download


  1. Nurcahyanie, Y.D, Singgih, M.L, Dewi, D.S, 2022, Implementing Online Product  Reviews  and Muslim Fashion Innovation for Resilience during the New Normal in Indonesia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2073, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Juniani. A. I, M. L. Singgih, P. D. Karningsih, 2021, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly and Reliability on Product Redesign:Literature Review and Research Direction, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Gamboa. P, and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Waste Minimization in a Concrete Block Company Using Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, and TRIZ Methods, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  4. Singgih. M. L , D. Ahadian, W. Puspitasari, F. A. Ayudinda, A. Aidil, A. L. Pranastya, P. Gamboa, A. F Rosyidiin, H. Prasetyo, 2021, Recent Development and Future Research of Manufacturing Excellence: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Mulyana. Ig. J, M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2021, A Proposed of Lean Six Sigma Framework for Higher Education Institution (LSSF – for HEdu) To Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency of Higher Education in Indonesia, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  6. Singgih. M. L., R. A. Akbar, and O. Abdillah, 2021, Kano Lean Six Sigma (KLSS) for Improving Service Quality at Education Technology (EdTech) Startups, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  7. Gamboa. P., M. L. Singgih, 2021, Lean Manufacturing Improvement Using ECRS and TRIZ Methods: Literature Review, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  8. Junico. D. D and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Designing Performance Measurement System for Animal Feed Company Using Balanced Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  9. Zulfikar. A. N and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Performance Measurement of Offshore Facility Maintenance Service Provider Using Quality Function Deployment, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  10. Sulistiyowati.w, M. Suef , and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Risk Management on Quality Improvement Project:Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis, Proceedings of the 1 st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  11. Watini.K., and M.L. Singgih, 2022,  Service Quality Assessment PT. Distributor Reagent: Combination Of Service Quality And Importance-Performance Analysis Methods, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  12. Wijaya. G. E, and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Quality Improvement of Corrugating Medium paper Using six Sigma in Paper Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  13. Rosyidiin. A.F., M.L. Singgih and P. Suwignjo, 2022, Hazard Identification and Risk Control in Rotary Kiln Within the Cement Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  14. Novitasari. W.A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Analysis of The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Using The Servqual and IPA methods at BTN Syariah Surabaya, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  15. Qolbi. R. A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy Framework in Cigarette Filter Company (CFC) Using Material Circularity Indicator (MCI), The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  16. Darwis, N. A., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Defect Analysis of Power Transformers Tank Using The Six Sigma Approach in Tank Fabrication, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  17. Anwar, M. S. N., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Production System Improvement UD. Indo Prima Plastik With Lean Manufacturing, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  18. Falah, F. M., and M.L.Singgih,2022,  Waste Reduction in Conical Taper Head Bolt Production at PT. Roller With Lean Six Sigma Method, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  19. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih, and M.Suef, 2022, Prior and Future Research on Quality-Driven Product Service Systems: A Literature Review, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  20. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih and Mokh Suef,2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process, Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  21. Sekti, I.S and M.L. Singgih,2022, Circular Economy in Plastic Pallet Manufacturer (PPM) using Nano Level Material Circularity, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  22. Prabowo, I.E and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy In Recycled Paper Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), ICONETSI, September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia © 2022 Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  23. Hakim, I.M., M.L. Singgih and I.K Gunarta, 2022, Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) Using DEMATEL: A Case of Indonesian Automotive Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  24. Pratama, I.R and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Integrated Cost and Value Stream in Crankcase Production (CP), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  25. Mulyana, I. J., M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2022, Prioritize Business Process Improvement Plan using House of Quality and Modified House of Risk: a Case Study of Higher Education Institution (HEI) from Indonesia, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022,Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  26. Singgih, M. L., M. A. Agung and I. M. Hakim, 2022, Service Quality Improvement at International Airport In Indonesia Using Service Quality And Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  27. Juniani, A.I., M.L. Singgih  and P. D. Karningsih, 2022, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, and Reliability: An Integrated Framework for Product Redesign and Innovation, © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, abstract, link, Download
  28. Wahyudi, R. D., M. L. Singgih  and M. Suef, 2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process,  Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  29. Hia. S. W., M. L. Singgih and R. O. S. Gurning, 2022, Performance Metric Development to Measure Overall Vehicle Effectiveness in Mining Transportation, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12341. abstract, link, Donwload
  30. Handojo. A., I. N. Pujawan., B. Santosa and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm, 2022 International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration (ICSINTESA). abstract, link, Download


  1. A. Yustian, E Widodo and M L Singgih, 2021, Economic evaluation of mobile screening station waterless system operation of nickel laterite ore, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012047, abstract, link, Download
  2. F F Nugroho, and M L Singgih, 2021, Feasibility study of waste utilization facilities in cement factory for spent bleaching earth, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012039, abstract, Link, Download
  3. Aisyah Pontiana, dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2021, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Jerrycan 5 Liter di PT. KEMASAN Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 9, No. 2, (2020) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstrak, Download
  4. Burhan, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih and Imam Baihaqi,2021, Sustainable Business Model Innovations in the Value Uncaptured Manufacturing Industry: Fitting Gains—Gain Creators, MDPI stays neutralwith regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affil-iations, abstract, Link, Download
  5. G. Lina, H.K. Tunjungsari1, T. Y. M. Zagloel, D. Saraswati, B. Tjahjono, T. Simatupang, M. L. Singgih, M.Masrom, Habibah @Norehan Harun,and Wahyudi Sutopo, 2021, A Dynamic Business Modelling Approach to Design and Experiment New Successful Business Incubator Model for Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, Link, Download
  6. W. Kosasih, A. Salim, Lithrone L. Salomon ,and Moses L. Singgih, 2021, Design of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Model Using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) in General Trading and Service Company, abstract, Download
  7. Rosiawan, M, M L Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2021, Activity-based management as economic effect measurement for implementing ISO 9001:2015 clause, Int. J. Services and Operations Management, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2021, abstract, Link
  8. Hakim, I.M., M. L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2021, Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of hings (IoT) in Automotive Companies: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, link, download
  9. Nurcahyanie, Y. D., M. L. Singgih and D. S. Dewi, 2021, Concise Consumer Needs for Women Muslim Fashion by Integrating Online Product Reviews and Designer Voice, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 – 8, 2021, abstract, download 


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2020, Overall Equipment Effectiveness Evaluation of Maintenance Strategies for Rented Equipment, International Journal of Technology 11(3) 619-630 (2020), abstract, link, Download
  2. Y D Nurcahyanie,  M L Singgih , and D S Dewi, 2020, Conceptualizing DFSS an analysis of 107 studies, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 722 (2020) 012055, abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Determination of Modules in Pleasurable Design to Fulfil Customer Requirements and Provide a Customized Product in the Food Industry, Designs 2020, 4, 7;  abstract, link, download
  4. Prabowo, R, M.L Singgih, P.D Karningsih and E. Widodo, 2020, New Product Development from Inactive Problem Perspective in Indonesian SMEs to Open Innovation, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity; 2020, 6, 20; abstract, link, download
  5. Dimyati, A, F and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Environmental Impact Evaluation Using Green Value Stream Mapping (Green-VSM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 2, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  6. Koh. J and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Implementation Lean Manufacturing Method of Plywood Manufacture Company, Easy Chair Preprint No. 3699 The World for Scientists, abstract, Download
  7. Burhan, U Ciptomulyono, M L Singgih and I Baihaqi,2020, Potential for changing value uncaptured to value captured through circular economy practices, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 472 (2020) 012049, abstract, link, Download
  8. Muqimuddin, M. L. Singgih, 2020, Integrated FMEA-MCDM For Prioritizing Operational Disruption in Production Process, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012028 ,abstract, link, Download
  9. Findiastuti,W, M L Singgih and M Anityasari, 2020, System-Dynamic Simulation Application on Farming EcoEfficiency Measurement, International Conference on Science and Technology 2019, abstract, link, Download
  10. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Product value analysis on customized product based on pleasurable design and time-driven activity-based costing in food industry, Wedowati et al., Cogent Business & Management (2020), 7: 1823581, abstract, link, Download


  1. Rosiawan. M., Moses Laksono Singgih, and E. Widodo, 2019, Model of quality costs and economic benefits of a business process of manufacturing companies, Rosiawan et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1678228, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Sukisno, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Location Selection Analysis for New Shipyard Using Integration of DEMATEL and ANP, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE),abstract, link, Download
  3. Heru Prastawa, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and Markus Hartono, 2019, The effect of cognitive and affective aspects on usability, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, abstract, link
  4. Wirakusuma. K. W and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluation Setup Process on Rotogravure Printing Machine in Oder to Reduce Setup Time, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  5. Ahmad Irwiyan Haq. A. I and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Business Strategy of Chemical Company Using SWOT and Business Model Canvas Approach, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  6. A. N. Alifiya and M.L. Singgih, 2019, Re-design Production Process Using Lean Manufacturing Approach for Pressure Vessel 421 Psi, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE) 2019, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 598 (2019) 012005, abstract, link, Download
  7. Dewi. N. A. K dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups Menggunakan FMEA, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print), abstract, link, Download
  8. Dewanti and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Cost Analysis for IoT Based Condition Based Maintenance to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  9. Fatmawati. R dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Lini Perakitan Speaker dengan Menggunakan Ekonomi Gerakan dan Line Balancing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  10. Hakim. M. H and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Reduction Defect in Sewing Work Stations by Integrating OTSM-TRIZ and FMEA, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  11. Umry. T. F and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Inventory Management and Reorder Point (ROP) Strategy Using ABC Analysis Methods in Textile Manufacture, 2019, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  12. Jumandono. M and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Selection of Shipping Container Vendors Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  13. Muhammad Rosiawan, Moses Laksono Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2019, Measurement of Cost & Benefit for Implementation of Risk Management in the Production Process, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  14. Meilia Dwi Suryani dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Peningkatan Performansi Assembly Line untuk Mereduksi Defect Voice Coil Touch pada Perusahaan Speaker, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539. abstrak, link, Download
  15. Agyl Adriyadhi S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Risk Defect on Du Base Frame Product, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  16. Antonia Ratna Hanjani and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Workload Analysis at Biro Human Capital to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  17. M. L. Singgih, Y. Prasetyawan , Sutikno, D. Hartanto, F .R. Kurniawan ,W.T. Wicaksana, 2019, Maintenance management improvement based on reliability centered maintenance II in energy generating industries, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 528 (2019) 012054, abstract, link, Download
  18. Supriatna.A, M. L. Singgih, E.Widodo, and Nani Kurniati, 2019, Performance Measurement on Lease Equipment with Overall Equipment Effectiveness, AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 060011 (2019), Published Online: 26 June 2019, abstract, link, Download


  1. Wedowati.E.W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and I.K. Gunarta, 2018, A study of consumer preferences for customized product design, MATEC Web of Conferences 204, 01002 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih, Putu Dana Karningsih, Mokh Suef, and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2018, Performance model development for assessing maintenance service providers using the Kano model, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 1, (2018), abstract, link, Download
  3. Rafsanjani, S., and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2018, Quality Control And Improvement For Process Printing of the Product Package Using Integration Of FMEA-TRIZ, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018, abstract
  4. R Fitriani, Moses Laksono Singgih, B Syairudin, 2018, Strategy formulation for development of leather footwear centre based on capabilities and source of innovation (case study: leather footwear SMEs in Cibaduyut, Bandung), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, No 3 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  5. Weny Findiastuti, Moses Laksono Singgih, Maria Anityasari, 2018, Indonesian Sustainable Food-availability Policy Assessment Using System Dynamics: A Solution for Complexities, Cogent Food & Agriculture  Volume 4, 2018 –Issue 1, abstract, link, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, Primahasmi Dalulia, Mokh. Suef, Putu Dana Karningsih, 2018, Performance Modelling for Maintenance Outsourcing Providers Based on the Kano Model, International Journal of Technology, (2018) 4: 797-808, abstract, link, Download


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2017, Preventive maintenance Considering OEE Threshold for Lease Equipment, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2017, abstract, download


  1. Prastawa. H., Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Hartono., 2016, Influence of Cognitive Aspect and Affective Aspects on the Usability Performance of E-Commerce, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, Download
  2. Supriatna. A., Moses Laksono Singgih, N. Kurniati, 2016,Preventive Maintenance Strategies Literature Review and Directions, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. R., Moses Laksono Singgih, I. K. Gunarta, 2016,Design for Mass Customization in Food Industry literature Review and Research Agenda, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  4. Rosiawan, M., Moses Laksono Singgih, & Widodo, E. (2016). Cost of Quality, ISO 9001 and its Impact on Corporate Performance: A Literature Review. In The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016 (pp. 554–564), abstract, link, Download
  5. Wahjudi. D, M. L. singgih, P. Suwignjo and Imam Baihaqi, 2016, The relationship between organisational culture and firm performance: An empirical study on Indonesian manufacturing firms, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management , April 2016, abstract, link
  6. Mokh Suef, Suparno Suparno and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2016, Categorizing product attributes efficiently in QFD-Kano: a case analysis in telecommunication, The TQM Journal Vol. 29 No. 3, 2017 pp. 512-527 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1754-2731. abstract, link
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2016, Performance criteria development of maintenance service provider using case study approach analysis, 2nd International Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract, link


  1. Dewi.N.P.W.S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015,Meningkatkan Akurasi dan Presisi Measurement System Analysis dengan Pendekatan Process Oriented Basis Representation (Studi Kasus : PT. XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  2. Elean.A.Y.W. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Gula Aren dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing di Pabrik Gula Aren Masarang Tomohon, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  3. Hasan.M.S.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Factoring: Kajian Bisnis, Risiko, dan Mitigasinya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  4. Kurniawati.D.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Integrasi Servqual, IPA DAN QFD Sebagai Sarana Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Unit Pembiayaan di Bank Syariah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  5. Niwedya.N. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Operasional Hotel dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dan Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) (Studi Kasus: Hotel Yasmin Makassar), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  6. Pramitasari.L.M. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Deteksi False Alarm Menggunakan Residual Control Chart Berdasarkan Metode Support Vector Regression, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII. Surabaya, 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  7. Prihatini.T. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan VSAT Di PT XYZ dengan Metode Integrasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Dan Analisis Investasi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  8. Ririyani.V. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Efisiensi di PT. Varia Usaha Beton dengan Menerapkan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII,Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak,Download
  9. Tengtarto.M.A.K. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Attribute Gage Repeatability dan Reproducibility untuk Mengetahui Akurasi Pengukuran pada Proses Produksi Sarung Tangan Rajut di PT. X Gresik, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  10. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2015, Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling for Mass Customization in Food Industry: A Conceptual Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2015, Yogyakarta, abstract, download


  1. Ekaputra.D.  dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2014, Peningkatan kepuasan konsumen pada bisnis restoran menggunaka Quality Function Deployment(Studi Kasus di Restoran Fusion Surabaya), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI,  Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  2. Irawati.D.Y., Moses Laksono Singgih and B. Syairuddin, 2014, Integrasi QFD dan Conjoint Analysis untuk mengetahui Preferensi konsumen dengan memperhitungkan Willingness to pay, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI, Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih dan N. Nurlina, 2014, Alokasi Resource sebagai perbaikan produksi menggunakan Holonic Manufacturing System, Petri Net dan Aljabar Max – Plus, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  4.  Prastawa. H., U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and M. Hartono, Pengembangan Model Pengukuran Usability yang mempertimbangkan Aspek Kognitif dan Afektif dengan Moderasi Dimensi Cultural: Research Framework, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, Holonic Manufacturing System: Current Development and Future Applications, 3rd International Conference on Engineering & Technology Development 2014, Bandar Lampung 28-29 Oktober 2014. abstract, Download
  6. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2014,Production System in Food Industry: A Literature Study, 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Bali, 2014, abstract, download
  7. Biswajit Sarkar, Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrónb, Mitali Sarkarc, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2014, An economic production quantity model with random defective rate, rework process and backorders for a single stage production system, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (2014) 423–435, abstract, link
  8. Mokh Suef, Suparno, Moses L. Singgih, Ronald Sukwadi, Eny Widawati, 2014, Utilizing claims, complaints, and company initiatives as VOC in a product development using QFD-Kano approach, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 22 (2014) pp. 15383-15393 , abstract, link


  1. Suef M. , Suparno . , and Moses Laksono Singgih , 2013, Quality Initiatives as QFD-Kano Technical Re-sponses: a Conceptual Model, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science ,  2013. abstract, Download
  2.  Findiastuti, W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and M. Anityasari, 2013, Eco-Efficiency Production-Consumption For Sustainable Food Security: A Proposed Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2013. abstract, Download
  3. Wahjudi. D. , Moses Laksono Singgih. , P. Suwignjo, and I. Baihaqi , 2013, The Impact of Organizational Culture on Firm Performance: An Empirical Research on Indonesian Manufacturing Firms, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science , 2013. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, D.L. Trenggonowati, and P. D. Karningsih, 2013, Four Phases Quality Function Deployment (QFD) By Considering Kano Concept, Time and Manufacturing Cost, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development, 2013. abstract, Download


  1. Darmapala dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) Untuk Natural Gas Pipeline Pada Perusahaan X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi AHP-Index Model, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  2. Yoserizal, Y. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Integrasi Metode Dematel (Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) dan ANP (Analytic Network Process) dalam Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  3. Saputra, R. A. , Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Blender Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  4. Wahjudi,  D. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and P. Suwignjo , 2012, Impact of Quality Management Practices On Business Performance A Research Model Development, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  5. Findiastuti, W. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and  M. Anityasari,  2012, Eco-Efficiency Challenges in Adjusting Productivity of Agriculture For Food Security Purpose, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  6. Suef M., Suparno, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Quality Initiative Resource Allocation To Maximize Customer Satisfaction In QFD – Kano Model, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download


  1. Fanani, Z. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011, Implementasi Lean Manufacturing Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas (Studi kasus pada PT. Ekamas Fortuna Malang), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  2. Wicaksono, I.K  dan  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011,  Manajemen Risiko K3 (Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja) Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Puncak Permai Surabaya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  3. Puspitasari, M. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Dan Perbaikan Sistem Evaluasi Kelayakan Pengambilan Kredit Di Bank Syariah X , Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  4. Priyandika, C  dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Pengambilan Keputusan Multi Kriteria Dalam Pemilihan Vendor Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Dengan Pendekatan Risk Management dan Analysis Network Process (ANP), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  5. Tjiong, W dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Perbaikan Sistem Produksi Divisi Injection Dan Blow Plastik DI CV. Asia Dengan Metode Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  6. Suhartini, N., A. Mahbubah, A. Muid, U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Rancangan Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Green Productivity Dan Environmental Management Accounting Untuk Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  7. Handayani, N dan Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Suef , 2011, Pengembangan Model Intqual Untuk Peningkatan Internal Service Quality Di Pendidikan Tinggi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  8. Salim A., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan E. Nurmianto,2011, Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan Menggunakan Servqual Dan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) (Studi Kasus pada Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  9. Sianturi H. P. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Unit Instalasi Rawat Jalan (IRJ) RUMKITAL DR Ramelan Surabaya dengan Menggunakan Metode SERVQUAL dan QFD,Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  10. Sedyandini P. dan  Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Inventory Turnover pada Produk Ekspor pada PT Schering Plough Indonesia, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  11. Findiastuti W. , M. Anityasari, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Green  Productivity  IndexDo  Different  Terms Measure The Same Things?, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  12. Wahjudi D., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan P. Suwignjo,2011, Impact  of  Quality  Management  Practices  on  Firm Performance: The Research Evolution,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan  H. N. Yudasidhi, 2011, Service  Productivity  Measurement  and  Improve – ment With Multi Factor Approach,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih dan S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination Of New Branch for Laboratory, Proceedings of ICIEBM 2010, Yogyakarta – Indonesia. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih and YB. H. Purnasakti, 2010,  Evaluation of Relationship Marketing Using Service Profit Chain Model to Improve Customer Loyalty Ordinary, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Ardhiyani, 2010, Integrating SERVQUAL with KANO into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Better Quality of Services Case Study: PT Pos Indonesia, Branch Office of Sidoarjo, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  4. Nurdianto, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2010, Optimasi Revenue Dan Performansi Jaringan Seluler Menggunakan Algoritma Call  Admission Control Dan Dynamic Pricing (Studi Kasus di PT Telkomsel Regional Jawa Timur), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XII, Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978979-99735-9-7. abstrak, Download
  5. Sutrisno, O. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2010, Perancangan Tata Letak Dan Investasi MesinProduksi crank case di PT. Tri Ratna Diesel untukMeningkatkanKapasitas Produksi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIIProgram Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978-602-97491-1-3. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Tamara Yuanita,  2010, Analysis Of Technology Selection To Reduce Co2 Emissions In Sponge Iron Plant Using Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), The 3rd Accounting & The 2nd Doctoral Colloquium Bridging the Gap between Theory, Research and Practice : IFRS Convergence and Application Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia, 27 – 28 Oktober 2010. abstract, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih, M.Suef and C. Adi Putra, 2010, Waste Reduction with Green Productivity Approach for Increasing Productivity (Case Study : PT Indopherin Jaya), The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference,The 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research,Melaka, 7 – 10 December 2010. abstract, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, and S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination of New Branch for Laboratory Clinic X,IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics – Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2) ISSN 1913-8342, pp. 20-26, 2010, ICIEBM selected paper. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2009 , Prioritizing Healthcare Service Attributes: Comparing Importance Performance Analysis and KANO’s Model, International Conference 2nd APCOMS, 04 Nov 2009. Down
  2. Nurcahyanie, Y.D., Moses Laksono Singgih, and  B. Santoso, 2009, Product Design Development For Modular Computer Table To Support Green Lifecycle Engineering, 2nd APCOMS, International Conference, 2nd APCOMS 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  3. Prasetyawan, Y. , and  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2009, Traffic Information Service Design For Radio’s Customer Based On Automated Traffic Identification System, 2nd APCOMS, Seminar Internasional 2nd APCOMS , 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and A. I. Pamungkas ,  2009,  Implementing Grey Model And Value Analysis In Qfd Process To Increase Customer Satisfaction (Case Study At Juanda International Airport-Surabaya), Internasional Conference Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2009. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Optimization of East Java Economy By Applying Goverment Police To Maximize Employment Absorption (Linier Programming Input-Output Model) , Jurnal of Quantitative Methods Journal Devoted to The Mathematical & Statistical Applications In Various Fields, ISSN: 1693-5098,Volume 4, Nomor 2, USA December 2008. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan P.D. Prasetyo,2008, Analisa Produktivitas Kegiatan Promosi Terhadap Brand Awarenees Isp X, Jurnal Teknik Industri , ISSN: 1978-1431, Volume 9, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2008. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penilaian Kinerja Suatu Jurusan Dengan Kriteria Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award & Penentuan Ranking Menggunakan Analytic Network Process (ANP), Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Informatika, ISSN: 1693-6604, Volume 6, Nomor 3, Malang, Agustus 2008. Abstrak, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, S.G.Partiwi and E.Warimantouw, 2008, Pengembangan Model Produktifitas Dengan Pendekatan Buyer-Seller Relationship, STIE-IBMT Surabaya,  Eksekutif Journal of Business & Management, ISSN: 1829-7501, Volume 5, Nomor 2, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Afida, 2008,Peningkatan Produktifitas Melalui Usaha Waste Reduction Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity (Studi Kasus: PT. ECCO Tarnery Indonesia), Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan – FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jatim, Volume 9, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih and M. Kariana,2008, Peningkatan Produktifitas & Kinerja Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity Pada Rumah Pemotongan, Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jawa Timur, Volume 9,Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and  Edy Triyento, 2008, Minimasi Waktu Tempuh Ambulan Dalam Penanganan Pasien Gawat Darurat (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit X di Surabaya) , Optima Jurnal Keilmuan Aplikasi Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, ISSN: 0216-0048, Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI-ITS, Volume 2, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Input Output Analysis For Development Of Oil Refinery In Bojonegoro, International Conference on Quantitative Methods Used In Economics and Business, ISSN: 1979-9829, Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung, Held on October 15-17, 2008 Indonesia – Bandar Lampung. abstract, Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, H.A. Saroso and E.Widodo, System Dinamic Modelling to Evaluate E-Business System, International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta dan Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarata, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih,2008, Satisfaction Analysis of Customers and Process Improvment of Forwarding Company Using Return On Quality (ROQ) and Service Quality (SERQUAL), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta & Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Human Resource System Performance Measurement and Improvement Using Human Resource Scorecard Six Sigma Aproach (Case Study: PT. Telkom Human Resource Area 05 East Java), International Conference 9th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference, ISBN: 978-97938925-0-6, ITS-Surabaya, ITB-Bandung & Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknk Industri, Indonesia – Bali, 3-5 December 2008. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Perumusan Strategi Manajemen Induk Perusahaan Terhadap Anak Perusahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Berdasarkan Resiko Bisnis, Seminar Nasional In Search for National Competitiveness Through Quality Management. & Improvement In Manufacturing Service & Public Sector, ISBN: 979-545-042-5, Jurusan TI-FTI-ITS, Surabaya 19 Januari 2008. Down
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Konsep Green & Lean Productivity Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produktifitas (Studi Kasus: Instalasi Penjernihan Air Minum II PDAM Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  14. Moses Laksono Singgih, dan M.Vina Permata, 2008, Pendekatan Lean Thingking Dalam Meminimasi Waste Pada Sistem Pemenuhan Order Guna Mengurangi Biaya & Waktu, Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. abstrak, Download
  15. Moses Laksono Singgih dan A. Wahyukusuma,2008, Pendekatan Lean Production untuk Mengurangi Waste pada Proses Produksi Kaca, Jurusan Teknik IndustriInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2008. abstrak, Download
  16. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Pemilihan Alternatif Perbaikan Untuk Meminimasi Biaya Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Enviromental Manag. Accounting (Studi Kasus: PT. Kertas Leces Persero),Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  17. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Loyalitas Pelanggan & Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Dengan Menggunakan Metode Return On Quality (ROQ)Pada Perusahaan Asuransi,Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi & Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02-08-2008. abstrak, Download
  18. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Value Added, Seminar Nas. Mantek VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nas., ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  19. Moses Laksono Singgih dan M.Kariana, 2008, Perancangan Alat Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan & Meningkatkan Rumah Pemotongan Ayam, Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  20. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Implementasi Green Productyvity Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kinerja Lingkungan Pendekatan Lean Production Untuk Mengurangi Waste Pada Proses Produksi Kaca, SMART 2008 Seminar on Application and Research in Industrial Technology, ISBN: 978-979-18825-0-7, Lab. Sisprod. Teknik Mesin & Industri – UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. Down
  21. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Efisiensi Relatif Pada Perusahaan Keramik Dengan Data Envelopment Analysis, Seminar Nasional Mesin dan Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  22. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Jasa Perhotelan Dengan Metode Return On Quality (ROG) (Studi Kasus: Hotel X, Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Mesin & Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9,, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  23. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Pengaruh Ekplorasi Gas Bumi Terhadap Perekonomian Jawa Timur Melalui Pendekatan Input Output, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Surabaya, September 6 th , 2008. Down
  24. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Optimasi Perekonomian Jawa Timur Dengan Memaksimalkan Ekspor Barang Dagang Model Input-Output Linier Programing, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, UWM Surabaya, September 6th , 2008. Down
  25. Moses Laksono Singgih dan V. Chandra, Pengukuran Efisiensi Jasa Pelayanan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum Dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Studi Kasus: SPBU G, SPBU K, SPBU S, SPBU J) ,Seminar Teknosim 2008 Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi 2008″, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  26. Moses Laksono Singgih, and Renanda, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Kertas Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Six Sigma di Pabrik Kertas Y, Seminar Teknosim 2008, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  27. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Green Productivity Pada Pabrik Pengelolahan & Pendinginan Ikan, Seminar Nasional Green Product, Pengembangan Product Rumah Lingkungan, ISSN: 978-97919099-0,  Universitas Brawijaya Malang Bekerja sama dengan PT. Pertamina, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 10 November 2008. abstrak, Download
  28. Moses Laksono Singgih dan E. Dewita, 2008, Analisa Beban Kerja Karyawan Pada Departemen Umum & Logistik Dengan Metode Work Load Analisis di Perusahaan Percetakan, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2008, Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, 22 Nopember 2008. abstrak, Download
  29. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Mariska, 2008, Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi & Pencapaian Cost Reduction Dengan Metode Activity – Based Management di PT. X, Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  30. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Erlin Tri Anggraini , 2008,  Analisa Efisiensi Distribusi Listrik Menggunakan Analisa Resiko Operasional (Studi Kasus: PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) APJ Pasuruan), Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. Down
  31. Moses Laksono Singgih, Sri Gunani Partiwi and Arnita Rishanty, 2008, Analisa Keterkaitan Loyalitas Pelanggan & Loyalitas Karyawan (Studi Kasus: Supermarket HE, BO, TK, & TM di Surabaya) , Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Unmuh. Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  32. Moses Laksono Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Arum S.,2008, Pengukuran Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia Dengan Menggunakan Humand Resource Scorecard di PT. JB, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  33. Moses Laksono Singgih. 2008, Optimization of East Java Economy by Applying Government Policy to MAximize Employment Absorbtion. Journal of Quantititive Methods . Volume 4, Nomor 2, 2008. Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Produktivitas Personel Dalam Penentuan Pemberian Insentif Karyawan di Perusahaan Pembangkit Listrik, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2007,Jurnal Teknik Industri, ISSN: 1978-1431. Down
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan H. Kistanthy,2007, Evaluation of Green Productivity In Frosting Process At Glass Factory In Surabaya (Evaluasi Green Prudutivity Pada Proses Frosting Pada Perusahaan Gelas Lampu di Surabaya), Malahayati University-Bandar Lampung-Indonesia, Indonesia, Bandar Lampung, July 25-26, 2007,International Conference on Green Technology and Engineering (ICGTE-2007), ISBN: 1978-5933. Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ahmad Fatih Fudhla, 2007, Redesign of Manufacturing Process For Gear Transmission Box Component of Hand Tractor 7, The 3rd International Conference on Product Design and Development 2007, ISBN: 979-389656-6,Departement of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Gajah Mada University, Indonesia – Yogyakarta, December 12th, 2007. link . Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ismu Kusumanto, 2007, Penerapan Metode Damodaran Dalam Perhitungan Nilai Finansial Merek Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Pugh & AHP (Studi Kasus: Lembaga Vokasional X), ITS Surabaya, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Review Prosedur Operasi Standart Dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Nilai Akreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional (Studi Kasus: D3, Program Studi Perencanaan Konstruksi Kapal Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya ITS Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007 ,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Analisa Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Pada PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya Untuk Mempercepat Proses Bongkar Muat, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang, 4 September 2007,Seminar Nasional Standardisasi dan Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2. Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih dan K.R. Dewi , 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Kinerja Lingkungan & Peningkatan Produktifitas Menggunakan Metode Green Produktivity di Pabrik Gula, UNDIP – Semarang & Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN), Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nasional . Standardisasi Pendidikan & Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, Semarang, 4 September 2007. Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih dan R.Kristian ,2007, Peningkatan Produktifitas Divisi Produksi Peralatan Industri Proses Pada PT. Barata Indonesia Dengan Value Stream Mapping, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang,Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nas. Standardisasi & Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, 4 September 2007. Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Dampak Lingkungan Menggunakan Enviromental Management Accounting, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT – UGM, Yogyakarta, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, 6 September 2007. Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Proses Produksi Untuk Mereduksi Non Value Adding Activity Dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma Pada PT. Iglas,Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT-UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 6 September 2007. Down
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas & Lingkungan Kinerja Pada Proses Betanning Dengan Metode Green Produktivity, Seminar Nasional Teknolgi Simulasi 2007 (TEKNOSIM 2007) Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8 ,Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam IndonesiaYogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Andrie Sandi Pramono, Penentuan Kebijakan Perbaikan Sistem Distribusi Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Thingking, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Yogjakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan I.D.N Sari, Pengukuran dan Peningkatan Pelayanan Perbaikan Gangguan Telepon Pada PT. X Dengan Pendekatan Six Sigma, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri: Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-UII Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download


Prof. Moses L. SINGGIH – Publications



  1. Handojo, A., Pujawan. N., Santosa. B and M.L. Singgih, 2023, A multi layer recency frequency monetary method for customer priority segmentation in online transaction, 2023, Cogent Engineering, 10:1, 2162679, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  2. Mulyana.Ig. J, M. L. Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Y. B. Hermanto, 2023,  Identification and Prioritization of Lean Waste in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): A Proposed Framework, 2023,  Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 137, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Hakim, I. M., M.L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2023, Critical Success Factors for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Automotive Companies, Indonesia,  Sustainability 2023, 15, 2909, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  4. Tengtarto, M. A. K., M. L. Singgih and N. Siswanto, 2023, Cost Optimization in Disruption Conditions: A Case Study in Small Medium Enterprise, Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. Miami, v. 8, no. 5, p. 01-16, e01474, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Karningsih, P .D., W. Puspitasari., and M. L. Singgih, 2023, Cost-Integrated Lean Maintenance to Reduce Maintenance Cost,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya 60111, East Java, Indonesia, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download


  1. Nurcahyanie, Y.D, Singgih, M.L, Dewi, D.S, 2022, Implementing Online Product  Reviews  and Muslim Fashion Innovation for Resilience during the New Normal in Indonesia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2073, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Juniani. A. I, M. L. Singgih, P. D. Karningsih, 2021, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly and Reliability on Product Redesign:Literature Review and Research Direction, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Gamboa. P, and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Waste Minimization in a Concrete Block Company Using Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, and TRIZ Methods, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  4. Singgih. M. L , D. Ahadian, W. Puspitasari, F. A. Ayudinda, A. Aidil, A. L. Pranastya, P. Gamboa, A. F Rosyidiin, H. Prasetyo, 2021, Recent Development and Future Research of Manufacturing Excellence: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Mulyana. Ig. J, M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2021, A Proposed of Lean Six Sigma Framework for Higher Education Institution (LSSF – for HEdu) To Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency of Higher Education in Indonesia, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  6. Singgih. M. L., R. A. Akbar, and O. Abdillah, 2021, Kano Lean Six Sigma (KLSS) for Improving Service Quality at Education Technology (EdTech) Startups, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  7. Gamboa. P., M. L. Singgih, 2021, Lean Manufacturing Improvement Using ECRS and TRIZ Methods: Literature Review, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  8. Junico. D. D and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Designing Performance Measurement System for Animal Feed Company Using Balanced Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  9. Zulfikar. A. N and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Performance Measurement of Offshore Facility Maintenance Service Provider Using Quality Function Deployment, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  10. Sulistiyowati.w, M. Suef , and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Risk Management on Quality Improvement Project:Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis, Proceedings of the 1 st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  11. Watini.K., and M.L. Singgih, 2022,  Service Quality Assessment PT. Distributor Reagent: Combination Of Service Quality And Importance-Performance Analysis Methods, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  12. Wijaya. G. E, and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Quality Improvement of Corrugating Medium paper Using six Sigma in Paper Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  13. Rosyidiin. A.F., M.L. Singgih and P. Suwignjo, 2022, Hazard Identification and Risk Control in Rotary Kiln Within the Cement Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  14. Novitasari. W.A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Analysis of The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Using The Servqual and IPA methods at BTN Syariah Surabaya, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  15. Qolbi. R. A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy Framework in Cigarette Filter Company (CFC) Using Material Circularity Indicator (MCI), The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  16. Darwis, N. A., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Defect Analysis of Power Transformers Tank Using The Six Sigma Approach in Tank Fabrication, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  17. Anwar, M. S. N., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Production System Improvement UD. Indo Prima Plastik With Lean Manufacturing, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  18. Falah, F. M., and M.L.Singgih,2022,  Waste Reduction in Conical Taper Head Bolt Production at PT. Roller With Lean Six Sigma Method, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  19. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih, and M.Suef, 2022, Prior and Future Research on Quality-Driven Product Service Systems: A Literature Review, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  20. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih and Mokh Suef,2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process, Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  21. Sekti, I.S and M.L. Singgih,2022, Circular Economy in Plastic Pallet Manufacturer (PPM) using Nano Level Material Circularity, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  22. Prabowo, I.E and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy In Recycled Paper Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), ICONETSI, September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia © 2022 Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  23. Hakim, I.M., M.L. Singgih and I.K Gunarta, 2022, Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) Using DEMATEL: A Case of Indonesian Automotive Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  24. Pratama, I.R and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Integrated Cost and Value Stream in Crankcase Production (CP), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  25. Mulyana, I. J., M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2022, Prioritize Business Process Improvement Plan using House of Quality and Modified House of Risk: a Case Study of Higher Education Institution (HEI) from Indonesia, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022,Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  26. Singgih, M. L., M. A. Agung and I. M. Hakim, 2022, Service Quality Improvement at International Airport In Indonesia Using Service Quality And Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  27. Juniani, A.I., M.L. Singgih  and P. D. Karningsih, 2022, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, and Reliability: An Integrated Framework for Product Redesign and Innovation, © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, abstract, link, Download
  28. Wahyudi, R. D., M. L. Singgih  and M. Suef, 2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process,  Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  29. Hia. S. W., M. L. Singgih and R. O. S. Gurning, 2022, Performance Metric Development to Measure Overall Vehicle Effectiveness in Mining Transportation, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12341. abstract, link, Donwload
  30. Handojo. A., I. N. Pujawan., B. Santosa and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm, 2022 International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration (ICSINTESA). abstract, link, Download


  1. A. Yustian, E Widodo and M L Singgih, 2021, Economic evaluation of mobile screening station waterless system operation of nickel laterite ore, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012047, abstract, link, Download
  2. F F Nugroho, and M L Singgih, 2021, Feasibility study of waste utilization facilities in cement factory for spent bleaching earth, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012039, abstract, Link, Download
  3. Aisyah Pontiana, dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2021, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Jerrycan 5 Liter di PT. KEMASAN Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 9, No. 2, (2020) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstrak, Download
  4. Burhan, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih and Imam Baihaqi,2021, Sustainable Business Model Innovations in the Value Uncaptured Manufacturing Industry: Fitting Gains—Gain Creators, MDPI stays neutralwith regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affil-iations, abstract, Link, Download
  5. G. Lina, H.K. Tunjungsari1, T. Y. M. Zagloel, D. Saraswati, B. Tjahjono, T. Simatupang, M. L. Singgih, M.Masrom, Habibah @Norehan Harun,and Wahyudi Sutopo, 2021, A Dynamic Business Modelling Approach to Design and Experiment New Successful Business Incubator Model for Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, Link, Download
  6. W. Kosasih, A. Salim, Lithrone L. Salomon ,and Moses L. Singgih, 2021, Design of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Model Using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) in General Trading and Service Company, abstract, Download
  7. Rosiawan, M, M L Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2021, Activity-based management as economic effect measurement for implementing ISO 9001:2015 clause, Int. J. Services and Operations Management, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2021, abstract, Link
  8. Hakim, I.M., M. L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2021, Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of hings (IoT) in Automotive Companies: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, link, download
  9. Nurcahyanie, Y. D., M. L. Singgih and D. S. Dewi, 2021, Concise Consumer Needs for Women Muslim Fashion by Integrating Online Product Reviews and Designer Voice, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 – 8, 2021, abstract, download 


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2020, Overall Equipment Effectiveness Evaluation of Maintenance Strategies for Rented Equipment, International Journal of Technology 11(3) 619-630 (2020), abstract, link, Download
  2. Y D Nurcahyanie,  M L Singgih , and D S Dewi, 2020, Conceptualizing DFSS an analysis of 107 studies, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 722 (2020) 012055, abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Determination of Modules in Pleasurable Design to Fulfil Customer Requirements and Provide a Customized Product in the Food Industry, Designs 2020, 4, 7;  abstract, link, download
  4. Prabowo, R, M.L Singgih, P.D Karningsih and E. Widodo, 2020, New Product Development from Inactive Problem Perspective in Indonesian SMEs to Open Innovation, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity; 2020, 6, 20; abstract, link, download
  5. Dimyati, A, F and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Environmental Impact Evaluation Using Green Value Stream Mapping (Green-VSM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 2, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  6. Koh. J and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Implementation Lean Manufacturing Method of Plywood Manufacture Company, Easy Chair Preprint No. 3699 The World for Scientists, abstract, Download
  7. Burhan, U Ciptomulyono, M L Singgih and I Baihaqi,2020, Potential for changing value uncaptured to value captured through circular economy practices, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 472 (2020) 012049, abstract, link, Download
  8. Muqimuddin, M. L. Singgih, 2020, Integrated FMEA-MCDM For Prioritizing Operational Disruption in Production Process, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012028 ,abstract, link, Download
  9. Findiastuti,W, M L Singgih and M Anityasari, 2020, System-Dynamic Simulation Application on Farming EcoEfficiency Measurement, International Conference on Science and Technology 2019, abstract, link, Download
  10. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Product value analysis on customized product based on pleasurable design and time-driven activity-based costing in food industry, Wedowati et al., Cogent Business & Management (2020), 7: 1823581, abstract, link, Download


  1. Rosiawan. M., Moses Laksono Singgih, and E. Widodo, 2019, Model of quality costs and economic benefits of a business process of manufacturing companies, Rosiawan et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1678228, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Sukisno, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Location Selection Analysis for New Shipyard Using Integration of DEMATEL and ANP, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE),abstract, link, Download
  3. Heru Prastawa, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and Markus Hartono, 2019, The effect of cognitive and affective aspects on usability, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, abstract, link
  4. Wirakusuma. K. W and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluation Setup Process on Rotogravure Printing Machine in Oder to Reduce Setup Time, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  5. Ahmad Irwiyan Haq. A. I and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Business Strategy of Chemical Company Using SWOT and Business Model Canvas Approach, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  6. A. N. Alifiya and M.L. Singgih, 2019, Re-design Production Process Using Lean Manufacturing Approach for Pressure Vessel 421 Psi, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE) 2019, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 598 (2019) 012005, abstract, link, Download
  7. Dewi. N. A. K dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups Menggunakan FMEA, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print), abstract, link, Download
  8. Dewanti and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Cost Analysis for IoT Based Condition Based Maintenance to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  9. Fatmawati. R dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Lini Perakitan Speaker dengan Menggunakan Ekonomi Gerakan dan Line Balancing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  10. Hakim. M. H and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Reduction Defect in Sewing Work Stations by Integrating OTSM-TRIZ and FMEA, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  11. Umry. T. F and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Inventory Management and Reorder Point (ROP) Strategy Using ABC Analysis Methods in Textile Manufacture, 2019, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  12. Jumandono. M and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Selection of Shipping Container Vendors Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  13. Muhammad Rosiawan, Moses Laksono Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2019, Measurement of Cost & Benefit for Implementation of Risk Management in the Production Process, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  14. Meilia Dwi Suryani dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Peningkatan Performansi Assembly Line untuk Mereduksi Defect Voice Coil Touch pada Perusahaan Speaker, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539. abstrak, link, Download
  15. Agyl Adriyadhi S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Risk Defect on Du Base Frame Product, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  16. Antonia Ratna Hanjani and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Workload Analysis at Biro Human Capital to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  17. M. L. Singgih, Y. Prasetyawan , Sutikno, D. Hartanto, F .R. Kurniawan ,W.T. Wicaksana, 2019, Maintenance management improvement based on reliability centered maintenance II in energy generating industries, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 528 (2019) 012054, abstract, link, Download
  18. Supriatna.A, M. L. Singgih, E.Widodo, and Nani Kurniati, 2019, Performance Measurement on Lease Equipment with Overall Equipment Effectiveness, AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 060011 (2019), Published Online: 26 June 2019, abstract, link, Download


  1. Wedowati.E.W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and I.K. Gunarta, 2018, A study of consumer preferences for customized product design, MATEC Web of Conferences 204, 01002 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih, Putu Dana Karningsih, Mokh Suef, and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2018, Performance model development for assessing maintenance service providers using the Kano model, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 1, (2018), abstract, link, Download
  3. Rafsanjani, S., and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2018, Quality Control And Improvement For Process Printing of the Product Package Using Integration Of FMEA-TRIZ, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018, abstract
  4. R Fitriani, Moses Laksono Singgih, B Syairudin, 2018, Strategy formulation for development of leather footwear centre based on capabilities and source of innovation (case study: leather footwear SMEs in Cibaduyut, Bandung), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, No 3 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  5. Weny Findiastuti, Moses Laksono Singgih, Maria Anityasari, 2018, Indonesian Sustainable Food-availability Policy Assessment Using System Dynamics: A Solution for Complexities, Cogent Food & Agriculture  Volume 4, 2018 –Issue 1, abstract, link, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, Primahasmi Dalulia, Mokh. Suef, Putu Dana Karningsih, 2018, Performance Modelling for Maintenance Outsourcing Providers Based on the Kano Model, International Journal of Technology, (2018) 4: 797-808, abstract, link, Download


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2017, Preventive maintenance Considering OEE Threshold for Lease Equipment, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2017, abstract, download


  1. Prastawa. H., Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Hartono., 2016, Influence of Cognitive Aspect and Affective Aspects on the Usability Performance of E-Commerce, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, Download
  2. Supriatna. A., Moses Laksono Singgih, N. Kurniati, 2016,Preventive Maintenance Strategies Literature Review and Directions, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. R., Moses Laksono Singgih, I. K. Gunarta, 2016,Design for Mass Customization in Food Industry literature Review and Research Agenda, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  4. Rosiawan, M., Moses Laksono Singgih, & Widodo, E. (2016). Cost of Quality, ISO 9001 and its Impact on Corporate Performance: A Literature Review. In The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016 (pp. 554–564), abstract, link, Download
  5. Wahjudi. D, M. L. singgih, P. Suwignjo and Imam Baihaqi, 2016, The relationship between organisational culture and firm performance: An empirical study on Indonesian manufacturing firms, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management , April 2016, abstract, link
  6. Mokh Suef, Suparno Suparno and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2016, Categorizing product attributes efficiently in QFD-Kano: a case analysis in telecommunication, The TQM Journal Vol. 29 No. 3, 2017 pp. 512-527 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1754-2731. abstract, link
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2016, Performance criteria development of maintenance service provider using case study approach analysis, 2nd International Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract, link


  1. Dewi.N.P.W.S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015,Meningkatkan Akurasi dan Presisi Measurement System Analysis dengan Pendekatan Process Oriented Basis Representation (Studi Kasus : PT. XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  2. Elean.A.Y.W. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Gula Aren dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing di Pabrik Gula Aren Masarang Tomohon, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  3. Hasan.M.S.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Factoring: Kajian Bisnis, Risiko, dan Mitigasinya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  4. Kurniawati.D.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Integrasi Servqual, IPA DAN QFD Sebagai Sarana Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Unit Pembiayaan di Bank Syariah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  5. Niwedya.N. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Operasional Hotel dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dan Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) (Studi Kasus: Hotel Yasmin Makassar), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  6. Pramitasari.L.M. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Deteksi False Alarm Menggunakan Residual Control Chart Berdasarkan Metode Support Vector Regression, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII. Surabaya, 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  7. Prihatini.T. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan VSAT Di PT XYZ dengan Metode Integrasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Dan Analisis Investasi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  8. Ririyani.V. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Efisiensi di PT. Varia Usaha Beton dengan Menerapkan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII,Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak,Download
  9. Tengtarto.M.A.K. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Attribute Gage Repeatability dan Reproducibility untuk Mengetahui Akurasi Pengukuran pada Proses Produksi Sarung Tangan Rajut di PT. X Gresik, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  10. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2015, Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling for Mass Customization in Food Industry: A Conceptual Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2015, Yogyakarta, abstract, download


  1. Ekaputra.D.  dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2014, Peningkatan kepuasan konsumen pada bisnis restoran menggunaka Quality Function Deployment(Studi Kasus di Restoran Fusion Surabaya), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI,  Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  2. Irawati.D.Y., Moses Laksono Singgih and B. Syairuddin, 2014, Integrasi QFD dan Conjoint Analysis untuk mengetahui Preferensi konsumen dengan memperhitungkan Willingness to pay, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI, Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih dan N. Nurlina, 2014, Alokasi Resource sebagai perbaikan produksi menggunakan Holonic Manufacturing System, Petri Net dan Aljabar Max – Plus, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  4.  Prastawa. H., U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and M. Hartono, Pengembangan Model Pengukuran Usability yang mempertimbangkan Aspek Kognitif dan Afektif dengan Moderasi Dimensi Cultural: Research Framework, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, Holonic Manufacturing System: Current Development and Future Applications, 3rd International Conference on Engineering & Technology Development 2014, Bandar Lampung 28-29 Oktober 2014. abstract, Download
  6. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2014,Production System in Food Industry: A Literature Study, 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Bali, 2014, abstract, download
  7. Biswajit Sarkar, Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrónb, Mitali Sarkarc, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2014, An economic production quantity model with random defective rate, rework process and backorders for a single stage production system, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (2014) 423–435, abstract, link
  8. Mokh Suef, Suparno, Moses L. Singgih, Ronald Sukwadi, Eny Widawati, 2014, Utilizing claims, complaints, and company initiatives as VOC in a product development using QFD-Kano approach, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 22 (2014) pp. 15383-15393 , abstract, link


  1. Suef M. , Suparno . , and Moses Laksono Singgih , 2013, Quality Initiatives as QFD-Kano Technical Re-sponses: a Conceptual Model, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science ,  2013. abstract, Download
  2.  Findiastuti, W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and M. Anityasari, 2013, Eco-Efficiency Production-Consumption For Sustainable Food Security: A Proposed Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2013. abstract, Download
  3. Wahjudi. D. , Moses Laksono Singgih. , P. Suwignjo, and I. Baihaqi , 2013, The Impact of Organizational Culture on Firm Performance: An Empirical Research on Indonesian Manufacturing Firms, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science , 2013. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, D.L. Trenggonowati, and P. D. Karningsih, 2013, Four Phases Quality Function Deployment (QFD) By Considering Kano Concept, Time and Manufacturing Cost, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development, 2013. abstract, Download


  1. Darmapala dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) Untuk Natural Gas Pipeline Pada Perusahaan X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi AHP-Index Model, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  2. Yoserizal, Y. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Integrasi Metode Dematel (Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) dan ANP (Analytic Network Process) dalam Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  3. Saputra, R. A. , Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Blender Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  4. Wahjudi,  D. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and P. Suwignjo , 2012, Impact of Quality Management Practices On Business Performance A Research Model Development, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  5. Findiastuti, W. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and  M. Anityasari,  2012, Eco-Efficiency Challenges in Adjusting Productivity of Agriculture For Food Security Purpose, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  6. Suef M., Suparno, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Quality Initiative Resource Allocation To Maximize Customer Satisfaction In QFD – Kano Model, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download


  1. Fanani, Z. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011, Implementasi Lean Manufacturing Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas (Studi kasus pada PT. Ekamas Fortuna Malang), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  2. Wicaksono, I.K  dan  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011,  Manajemen Risiko K3 (Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja) Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Puncak Permai Surabaya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  3. Puspitasari, M. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Dan Perbaikan Sistem Evaluasi Kelayakan Pengambilan Kredit Di Bank Syariah X , Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  4. Priyandika, C  dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Pengambilan Keputusan Multi Kriteria Dalam Pemilihan Vendor Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Dengan Pendekatan Risk Management dan Analysis Network Process (ANP), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  5. Tjiong, W dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Perbaikan Sistem Produksi Divisi Injection Dan Blow Plastik DI CV. Asia Dengan Metode Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  6. Suhartini, N., A. Mahbubah, A. Muid, U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Rancangan Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Green Productivity Dan Environmental Management Accounting Untuk Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  7. Handayani, N dan Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Suef , 2011, Pengembangan Model Intqual Untuk Peningkatan Internal Service Quality Di Pendidikan Tinggi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  8. Salim A., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan E. Nurmianto,2011, Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan Menggunakan Servqual Dan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) (Studi Kasus pada Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  9. Sianturi H. P. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Unit Instalasi Rawat Jalan (IRJ) RUMKITAL DR Ramelan Surabaya dengan Menggunakan Metode SERVQUAL dan QFD,Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  10. Sedyandini P. dan  Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Inventory Turnover pada Produk Ekspor pada PT Schering Plough Indonesia, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  11. Findiastuti W. , M. Anityasari, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Green  Productivity  IndexDo  Different  Terms Measure The Same Things?, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  12. Wahjudi D., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan P. Suwignjo,2011, Impact  of  Quality  Management  Practices  on  Firm Performance: The Research Evolution,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan  H. N. Yudasidhi, 2011, Service  Productivity  Measurement  and  Improve – ment With Multi Factor Approach,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih dan S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination Of New Branch for Laboratory, Proceedings of ICIEBM 2010, Yogyakarta – Indonesia. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih and YB. H. Purnasakti, 2010,  Evaluation of Relationship Marketing Using Service Profit Chain Model to Improve Customer Loyalty Ordinary, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Ardhiyani, 2010, Integrating SERVQUAL with KANO into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Better Quality of Services Case Study: PT Pos Indonesia, Branch Office of Sidoarjo, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  4. Nurdianto, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2010, Optimasi Revenue Dan Performansi Jaringan Seluler Menggunakan Algoritma Call  Admission Control Dan Dynamic Pricing (Studi Kasus di PT Telkomsel Regional Jawa Timur), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XII, Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978979-99735-9-7. abstrak, Download
  5. Sutrisno, O. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2010, Perancangan Tata Letak Dan Investasi MesinProduksi crank case di PT. Tri Ratna Diesel untukMeningkatkanKapasitas Produksi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIIProgram Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978-602-97491-1-3. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Tamara Yuanita,  2010, Analysis Of Technology Selection To Reduce Co2 Emissions In Sponge Iron Plant Using Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), The 3rd Accounting & The 2nd Doctoral Colloquium Bridging the Gap between Theory, Research and Practice : IFRS Convergence and Application Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia, 27 – 28 Oktober 2010. abstract, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih, M.Suef and C. Adi Putra, 2010, Waste Reduction with Green Productivity Approach for Increasing Productivity (Case Study : PT Indopherin Jaya), The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference,The 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research,Melaka, 7 – 10 December 2010. abstract, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, and S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination of New Branch for Laboratory Clinic X,IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics – Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2) ISSN 1913-8342, pp. 20-26, 2010, ICIEBM selected paper. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2009 , Prioritizing Healthcare Service Attributes: Comparing Importance Performance Analysis and KANO’s Model, International Conference 2nd APCOMS, 04 Nov 2009. Down
  2. Nurcahyanie, Y.D., Moses Laksono Singgih, and  B. Santoso, 2009, Product Design Development For Modular Computer Table To Support Green Lifecycle Engineering, 2nd APCOMS, International Conference, 2nd APCOMS 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  3. Prasetyawan, Y. , and  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2009, Traffic Information Service Design For Radio’s Customer Based On Automated Traffic Identification System, 2nd APCOMS, Seminar Internasional 2nd APCOMS , 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and A. I. Pamungkas ,  2009,  Implementing Grey Model And Value Analysis In Qfd Process To Increase Customer Satisfaction (Case Study At Juanda International Airport-Surabaya), Internasional Conference Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2009. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Optimization of East Java Economy By Applying Goverment Police To Maximize Employment Absorption (Linier Programming Input-Output Model) , Jurnal of Quantitative Methods Journal Devoted to The Mathematical & Statistical Applications In Various Fields, ISSN: 1693-5098,Volume 4, Nomor 2, USA December 2008. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan P.D. Prasetyo,2008, Analisa Produktivitas Kegiatan Promosi Terhadap Brand Awarenees Isp X, Jurnal Teknik Industri , ISSN: 1978-1431, Volume 9, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2008. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penilaian Kinerja Suatu Jurusan Dengan Kriteria Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award & Penentuan Ranking Menggunakan Analytic Network Process (ANP), Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Informatika, ISSN: 1693-6604, Volume 6, Nomor 3, Malang, Agustus 2008. Abstrak, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, S.G.Partiwi and E.Warimantouw, 2008, Pengembangan Model Produktifitas Dengan Pendekatan Buyer-Seller Relationship, STIE-IBMT Surabaya,  Eksekutif Journal of Business & Management, ISSN: 1829-7501, Volume 5, Nomor 2, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Afida, 2008,Peningkatan Produktifitas Melalui Usaha Waste Reduction Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity (Studi Kasus: PT. ECCO Tarnery Indonesia), Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan – FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jatim, Volume 9, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih and M. Kariana,2008, Peningkatan Produktifitas & Kinerja Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity Pada Rumah Pemotongan, Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jawa Timur, Volume 9,Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and  Edy Triyento, 2008, Minimasi Waktu Tempuh Ambulan Dalam Penanganan Pasien Gawat Darurat (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit X di Surabaya) , Optima Jurnal Keilmuan Aplikasi Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, ISSN: 0216-0048, Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI-ITS, Volume 2, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Input Output Analysis For Development Of Oil Refinery In Bojonegoro, International Conference on Quantitative Methods Used In Economics and Business, ISSN: 1979-9829, Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung, Held on October 15-17, 2008 Indonesia – Bandar Lampung. abstract, Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, H.A. Saroso and E.Widodo, System Dinamic Modelling to Evaluate E-Business System, International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta dan Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarata, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih,2008, Satisfaction Analysis of Customers and Process Improvment of Forwarding Company Using Return On Quality (ROQ) and Service Quality (SERQUAL), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta & Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Human Resource System Performance Measurement and Improvement Using Human Resource Scorecard Six Sigma Aproach (Case Study: PT. Telkom Human Resource Area 05 East Java), International Conference 9th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference, ISBN: 978-97938925-0-6, ITS-Surabaya, ITB-Bandung & Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknk Industri, Indonesia – Bali, 3-5 December 2008. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Perumusan Strategi Manajemen Induk Perusahaan Terhadap Anak Perusahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Berdasarkan Resiko Bisnis, Seminar Nasional In Search for National Competitiveness Through Quality Management. & Improvement In Manufacturing Service & Public Sector, ISBN: 979-545-042-5, Jurusan TI-FTI-ITS, Surabaya 19 Januari 2008. Down
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Konsep Green & Lean Productivity Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produktifitas (Studi Kasus: Instalasi Penjernihan Air Minum II PDAM Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  14. Moses Laksono Singgih, dan M.Vina Permata, 2008, Pendekatan Lean Thingking Dalam Meminimasi Waste Pada Sistem Pemenuhan Order Guna Mengurangi Biaya & Waktu, Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. abstrak, Download
  15. Moses Laksono Singgih dan A. Wahyukusuma,2008, Pendekatan Lean Production untuk Mengurangi Waste pada Proses Produksi Kaca, Jurusan Teknik IndustriInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2008. abstrak, Download
  16. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Pemilihan Alternatif Perbaikan Untuk Meminimasi Biaya Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Enviromental Manag. Accounting (Studi Kasus: PT. Kertas Leces Persero),Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  17. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Loyalitas Pelanggan & Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Dengan Menggunakan Metode Return On Quality (ROQ)Pada Perusahaan Asuransi,Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi & Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02-08-2008. abstrak, Download
  18. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Value Added, Seminar Nas. Mantek VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nas., ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  19. Moses Laksono Singgih dan M.Kariana, 2008, Perancangan Alat Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan & Meningkatkan Rumah Pemotongan Ayam, Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  20. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Implementasi Green Productyvity Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kinerja Lingkungan Pendekatan Lean Production Untuk Mengurangi Waste Pada Proses Produksi Kaca, SMART 2008 Seminar on Application and Research in Industrial Technology, ISBN: 978-979-18825-0-7, Lab. Sisprod. Teknik Mesin & Industri – UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. Down
  21. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Efisiensi Relatif Pada Perusahaan Keramik Dengan Data Envelopment Analysis, Seminar Nasional Mesin dan Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  22. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Jasa Perhotelan Dengan Metode Return On Quality (ROG) (Studi Kasus: Hotel X, Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Mesin & Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9,, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  23. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Pengaruh Ekplorasi Gas Bumi Terhadap Perekonomian Jawa Timur Melalui Pendekatan Input Output, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Surabaya, September 6 th , 2008. Down
  24. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Optimasi Perekonomian Jawa Timur Dengan Memaksimalkan Ekspor Barang Dagang Model Input-Output Linier Programing, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, UWM Surabaya, September 6th , 2008. Down
  25. Moses Laksono Singgih dan V. Chandra, Pengukuran Efisiensi Jasa Pelayanan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum Dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Studi Kasus: SPBU G, SPBU K, SPBU S, SPBU J) ,Seminar Teknosim 2008 Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi 2008″, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  26. Moses Laksono Singgih, and Renanda, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Kertas Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Six Sigma di Pabrik Kertas Y, Seminar Teknosim 2008, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  27. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Green Productivity Pada Pabrik Pengelolahan & Pendinginan Ikan, Seminar Nasional Green Product, Pengembangan Product Rumah Lingkungan, ISSN: 978-97919099-0,  Universitas Brawijaya Malang Bekerja sama dengan PT. Pertamina, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 10 November 2008. abstrak, Download
  28. Moses Laksono Singgih dan E. Dewita, 2008, Analisa Beban Kerja Karyawan Pada Departemen Umum & Logistik Dengan Metode Work Load Analisis di Perusahaan Percetakan, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2008, Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, 22 Nopember 2008. abstrak, Download
  29. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Mariska, 2008, Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi & Pencapaian Cost Reduction Dengan Metode Activity – Based Management di PT. X, Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  30. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Erlin Tri Anggraini , 2008,  Analisa Efisiensi Distribusi Listrik Menggunakan Analisa Resiko Operasional (Studi Kasus: PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) APJ Pasuruan), Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. Down
  31. Moses Laksono Singgih, Sri Gunani Partiwi and Arnita Rishanty, 2008, Analisa Keterkaitan Loyalitas Pelanggan & Loyalitas Karyawan (Studi Kasus: Supermarket HE, BO, TK, & TM di Surabaya) , Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Unmuh. Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  32. Moses Laksono Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Arum S.,2008, Pengukuran Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia Dengan Menggunakan Humand Resource Scorecard di PT. JB, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  33. Moses Laksono Singgih. 2008, Optimization of East Java Economy by Applying Government Policy to MAximize Employment Absorbtion. Journal of Quantititive Methods . Volume 4, Nomor 2, 2008. Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Produktivitas Personel Dalam Penentuan Pemberian Insentif Karyawan di Perusahaan Pembangkit Listrik, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2007,Jurnal Teknik Industri, ISSN: 1978-1431. Down
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan H. Kistanthy,2007, Evaluation of Green Productivity In Frosting Process At Glass Factory In Surabaya (Evaluasi Green Prudutivity Pada Proses Frosting Pada Perusahaan Gelas Lampu di Surabaya), Malahayati University-Bandar Lampung-Indonesia, Indonesia, Bandar Lampung, July 25-26, 2007,International Conference on Green Technology and Engineering (ICGTE-2007), ISBN: 1978-5933. Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ahmad Fatih Fudhla, 2007, Redesign of Manufacturing Process For Gear Transmission Box Component of Hand Tractor 7, The 3rd International Conference on Product Design and Development 2007, ISBN: 979-389656-6,Departement of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Gajah Mada University, Indonesia – Yogyakarta, December 12th, 2007. link . Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ismu Kusumanto, 2007, Penerapan Metode Damodaran Dalam Perhitungan Nilai Finansial Merek Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Pugh & AHP (Studi Kasus: Lembaga Vokasional X), ITS Surabaya, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Review Prosedur Operasi Standart Dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Nilai Akreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional (Studi Kasus: D3, Program Studi Perencanaan Konstruksi Kapal Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya ITS Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007 ,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Analisa Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Pada PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya Untuk Mempercepat Proses Bongkar Muat, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang, 4 September 2007,Seminar Nasional Standardisasi dan Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2. Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih dan K.R. Dewi , 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Kinerja Lingkungan & Peningkatan Produktifitas Menggunakan Metode Green Produktivity di Pabrik Gula, UNDIP – Semarang & Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN), Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nasional . Standardisasi Pendidikan & Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, Semarang, 4 September 2007. Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih dan R.Kristian ,2007, Peningkatan Produktifitas Divisi Produksi Peralatan Industri Proses Pada PT. Barata Indonesia Dengan Value Stream Mapping, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang,Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nas. Standardisasi & Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, 4 September 2007. Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Dampak Lingkungan Menggunakan Enviromental Management Accounting, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT – UGM, Yogyakarta, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, 6 September 2007. Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Proses Produksi Untuk Mereduksi Non Value Adding Activity Dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma Pada PT. Iglas,Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT-UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 6 September 2007. Down
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas & Lingkungan Kinerja Pada Proses Betanning Dengan Metode Green Produktivity, Seminar Nasional Teknolgi Simulasi 2007 (TEKNOSIM 2007) Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8 ,Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam IndonesiaYogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Andrie Sandi Pramono, Penentuan Kebijakan Perbaikan Sistem Distribusi Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Thingking, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Yogjakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan I.D.N Sari, Pengukuran dan Peningkatan Pelayanan Perbaikan Gangguan Telepon Pada PT. X Dengan Pendekatan Six Sigma, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri: Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-UII Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download


Prof. Moses L. SINGGIH – Publications



  1. Handojo, A., Pujawan. N., Santosa. B and M.L. Singgih, 2023, A multi layer recency frequency monetary method for customer priority segmentation in online transaction, 2023, Cogent Engineering, 10:1, 2162679, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  2. Mulyana.Ig. J, M. L. Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Y. B. Hermanto, 2023,  Identification and Prioritization of Lean Waste in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): A Proposed Framework, 2023,  Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 137, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Hakim, I. M., M.L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2023, Critical Success Factors for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Automotive Companies, Indonesia,  Sustainability 2023, 15, 2909, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  4. Tengtarto, M. A. K., M. L. Singgih and N. Siswanto, 2023, Cost Optimization in Disruption Conditions: A Case Study in Small Medium Enterprise, Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. Miami, v. 8, no. 5, p. 01-16, e01474, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Karningsih, P .D., W. Puspitasari., and M. L. Singgih, 2023, Cost-Integrated Lean Maintenance to Reduce Maintenance Cost,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya 60111, East Java, Indonesia, 2023, Extended abstract, link, Download


  1. Nurcahyanie, Y.D, Singgih, M.L, Dewi, D.S, 2022, Implementing Online Product  Reviews  and Muslim Fashion Innovation for Resilience during the New Normal in Indonesia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2073, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Juniani. A. I, M. L. Singgih, P. D. Karningsih, 2021, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly and Reliability on Product Redesign:Literature Review and Research Direction, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  3. Gamboa. P, and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Waste Minimization in a Concrete Block Company Using Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, and TRIZ Methods, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  4. Singgih. M. L , D. Ahadian, W. Puspitasari, F. A. Ayudinda, A. Aidil, A. L. Pranastya, P. Gamboa, A. F Rosyidiin, H. Prasetyo, 2021, Recent Development and Future Research of Manufacturing Excellence: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  5. Mulyana. Ig. J, M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2021, A Proposed of Lean Six Sigma Framework for Higher Education Institution (LSSF – for HEdu) To Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency of Higher Education in Indonesia, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  6. Singgih. M. L., R. A. Akbar, and O. Abdillah, 2021, Kano Lean Six Sigma (KLSS) for Improving Service Quality at Education Technology (EdTech) Startups, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  7. Gamboa. P., M. L. Singgih, 2021, Lean Manufacturing Improvement Using ECRS and TRIZ Methods: Literature Review, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  8. Junico. D. D and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Designing Performance Measurement System for Animal Feed Company Using Balanced Scorecard and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  9. Zulfikar. A. N and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Performance Measurement of Offshore Facility Maintenance Service Provider Using Quality Function Deployment, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download
  10. Sulistiyowati.w, M. Suef , and M. L. Singgih, 2021, Risk Management on Quality Improvement Project:Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis, Proceedings of the 1 st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, Extended abstract, link, Download 
  11. Watini.K., and M.L. Singgih, 2022,  Service Quality Assessment PT. Distributor Reagent: Combination Of Service Quality And Importance-Performance Analysis Methods, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  12. Wijaya. G. E, and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Quality Improvement of Corrugating Medium paper Using six Sigma in Paper Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  13. Rosyidiin. A.F., M.L. Singgih and P. Suwignjo, 2022, Hazard Identification and Risk Control in Rotary Kiln Within the Cement Manufacturing Company, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download
  14. Novitasari. W.A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Analysis of The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Using The Servqual and IPA methods at BTN Syariah Surabaya, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  15. Qolbi. R. A., and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy Framework in Cigarette Filter Company (CFC) Using Material Circularity Indicator (MCI), The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  16. Darwis, N. A., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Defect Analysis of Power Transformers Tank Using The Six Sigma Approach in Tank Fabrication, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  17. Anwar, M. S. N., and M. L. Singgih, 2022, Production System Improvement UD. Indo Prima Plastik With Lean Manufacturing, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  18. Falah, F. M., and M.L.Singgih,2022,  Waste Reduction in Conical Taper Head Bolt Production at PT. Roller With Lean Six Sigma Method, The 3rd International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project, Interdisciplinary school of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2022, abstract, Download

  19. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih, and M.Suef, 2022, Prior and Future Research on Quality-Driven Product Service Systems: A Literature Review, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  20. Wahyudi, R.D., M.L. Singgih and Mokh Suef,2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process, Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  21. Sekti, I.S and M.L. Singgih,2022, Circular Economy in Plastic Pallet Manufacturer (PPM) using Nano Level Material Circularity, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  22. Prabowo, I.E and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Circular Economy In Recycled Paper Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), ICONETSI, September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia © 2022 Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  23. Hakim, I.M., M.L. Singgih and I.K Gunarta, 2022, Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) Using DEMATEL: A Case of Indonesian Automotive Company, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  24. Pratama, I.R and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Integrated Cost and Value Stream in Crankcase Production (CP), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  25. Mulyana, I. J., M. L. Singgih and S. G. Partiwi, 2022, Prioritize Business Process Improvement Plan using House of Quality and Modified House of Risk: a Case Study of Higher Education Institution (HEI) from Indonesia, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022,Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  26. Singgih, M. L., M. A. Agung and I. M. Hakim, 2022, Service Quality Improvement at International Airport In Indonesia Using Service Quality And Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), September 21, 22, 2022, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022, abstract, link, Download
  27. Juniani, A.I., M.L. Singgih  and P. D. Karningsih, 2022, Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, and Reliability: An Integrated Framework for Product Redesign and Innovation, © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, abstract, link, Download
  28. Wahyudi, R. D., M. L. Singgih  and M. Suef, 2022, Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process,  Sustainability 2022, 14, 16216. abstract, link, Download
  29. Hia. S. W., M. L. Singgih and R. O. S. Gurning, 2022, Performance Metric Development to Measure Overall Vehicle Effectiveness in Mining Transportation, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12341. abstract, link, Donwload
  30. Handojo. A., I. N. Pujawan., B. Santosa and M.L. Singgih, 2022, Job Assignment Problem on Online Transportation Order Using Hungarian Algorithm, 2022 International Conference of Science and Information Technology in Smart Administration (ICSINTESA). abstract, link, Download


  1. A. Yustian, E Widodo and M L Singgih, 2021, Economic evaluation of mobile screening station waterless system operation of nickel laterite ore, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012047, abstract, link, Download
  2. F F Nugroho, and M L Singgih, 2021, Feasibility study of waste utilization facilities in cement factory for spent bleaching earth, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (2021) 012039, abstract, Link, Download
  3. Aisyah Pontiana, dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2021, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Jerrycan 5 Liter di PT. KEMASAN Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 9, No. 2, (2020) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstrak, Download
  4. Burhan, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih and Imam Baihaqi,2021, Sustainable Business Model Innovations in the Value Uncaptured Manufacturing Industry: Fitting Gains—Gain Creators, MDPI stays neutralwith regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affil-iations, abstract, Link, Download
  5. G. Lina, H.K. Tunjungsari1, T. Y. M. Zagloel, D. Saraswati, B. Tjahjono, T. Simatupang, M. L. Singgih, M.Masrom, Habibah @Norehan Harun,and Wahyudi Sutopo, 2021, A Dynamic Business Modelling Approach to Design and Experiment New Successful Business Incubator Model for Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, Link, Download
  6. W. Kosasih, A. Salim, Lithrone L. Salomon ,and Moses L. Singgih, 2021, Design of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Model Using Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) in General Trading and Service Company, abstract, Download
  7. Rosiawan, M, M L Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2021, Activity-based management as economic effect measurement for implementing ISO 9001:2015 clause, Int. J. Services and Operations Management, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2021, abstract, Link
  8. Hakim, I.M., M. L. Singgih and I.K. Gunarta, 2021, Critical Success Factors for Implementation of Internet of hings (IoT) in Automotive Companies: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021, abstract, link, download
  9. Nurcahyanie, Y. D., M. L. Singgih and D. S. Dewi, 2021, Concise Consumer Needs for Women Muslim Fashion by Integrating Online Product Reviews and Designer Voice, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 – 8, 2021, abstract, download 


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2020, Overall Equipment Effectiveness Evaluation of Maintenance Strategies for Rented Equipment, International Journal of Technology 11(3) 619-630 (2020), abstract, link, Download
  2. Y D Nurcahyanie,  M L Singgih , and D S Dewi, 2020, Conceptualizing DFSS an analysis of 107 studies, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 722 (2020) 012055, abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Determination of Modules in Pleasurable Design to Fulfil Customer Requirements and Provide a Customized Product in the Food Industry, Designs 2020, 4, 7;  abstract, link, download
  4. Prabowo, R, M.L Singgih, P.D Karningsih and E. Widodo, 2020, New Product Development from Inactive Problem Perspective in Indonesian SMEs to Open Innovation, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity; 2020, 6, 20; abstract, link, download
  5. Dimyati, A, F and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Environmental Impact Evaluation Using Green Value Stream Mapping (Green-VSM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 2, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  6. Koh. J and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2020, Implementation Lean Manufacturing Method of Plywood Manufacture Company, Easy Chair Preprint No. 3699 The World for Scientists, abstract, Download
  7. Burhan, U Ciptomulyono, M L Singgih and I Baihaqi,2020, Potential for changing value uncaptured to value captured through circular economy practices, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 472 (2020) 012049, abstract, link, Download
  8. Muqimuddin, M. L. Singgih, 2020, Integrated FMEA-MCDM For Prioritizing Operational Disruption in Production Process, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (2020) 012028 ,abstract, link, Download
  9. Findiastuti,W, M L Singgih and M Anityasari, 2020, System-Dynamic Simulation Application on Farming EcoEfficiency Measurement, International Conference on Science and Technology 2019, abstract, link, Download
  10. Wedowati. E. W., Moses Laksono Singgih and I. K. Gunarta, 2020, Product value analysis on customized product based on pleasurable design and time-driven activity-based costing in food industry, Wedowati et al., Cogent Business & Management (2020), 7: 1823581, abstract, link, Download


  1. Rosiawan. M., Moses Laksono Singgih, and E. Widodo, 2019, Model of quality costs and economic benefits of a business process of manufacturing companies, Rosiawan et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1678228, Extended abstract, link, Download
  2. Sukisno, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Location Selection Analysis for New Shipyard Using Integration of DEMATEL and ANP, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE),abstract, link, Download
  3. Heru Prastawa, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and Markus Hartono, 2019, The effect of cognitive and affective aspects on usability, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, abstract, link
  4. Wirakusuma. K. W and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluation Setup Process on Rotogravure Printing Machine in Oder to Reduce Setup Time, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  5. Ahmad Irwiyan Haq. A. I and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Business Strategy of Chemical Company Using SWOT and Business Model Canvas Approach, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  6. A. N. Alifiya and M.L. Singgih, 2019, Re-design Production Process Using Lean Manufacturing Approach for Pressure Vessel 421 Psi, Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE) 2019, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 598 (2019) 012005, abstract, link, Download
  7. Dewi. N. A. K dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups Menggunakan FMEA, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print), abstract, link, Download
  8. Dewanti and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Cost Analysis for IoT Based Condition Based Maintenance to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  9. Fatmawati. R dan M. L. Singgih, 2019, Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Lini Perakitan Speaker dengan Menggunakan Ekonomi Gerakan dan Line Balancing, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539, abstract, link, Download
  10. Hakim. M. H and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Reduction Defect in Sewing Work Stations by Integrating OTSM-TRIZ and FMEA, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  11. Umry. T. F and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Inventory Management and Reorder Point (ROP) Strategy Using ABC Analysis Methods in Textile Manufacture, 2019, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  12. Jumandono. M and M. L. Singgih, 2019, Selection of Shipping Container Vendors Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  13. Muhammad Rosiawan, Moses Laksono Singgih and Erwin Widodo, 2019, Measurement of Cost & Benefit for Implementation of Risk Management in the Production Process, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  14. Meilia Dwi Suryani dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Peningkatan Performansi Assembly Line untuk Mereduksi Defect Voice Coil Touch pada Perusahaan Speaker, JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 8, No. 1, (2019) ISSN: 2337-3539. abstrak, link, Download
  15. Agyl Adriyadhi S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Risk Defect on Du Base Frame Product, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  16. Antonia Ratna Hanjani and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2019, Workload Analysis at Biro Human Capital to Increase Productivity, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (5) (2019), ISSN (2354-6026), The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT), August 3rd 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. abstract, link, Download
  17. M. L. Singgih, Y. Prasetyawan , Sutikno, D. Hartanto, F .R. Kurniawan ,W.T. Wicaksana, 2019, Maintenance management improvement based on reliability centered maintenance II in energy generating industries, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 528 (2019) 012054, abstract, link, Download
  18. Supriatna.A, M. L. Singgih, E.Widodo, and Nani Kurniati, 2019, Performance Measurement on Lease Equipment with Overall Equipment Effectiveness, AIP Conference Proceedings 2114, 060011 (2019), Published Online: 26 June 2019, abstract, link, Download


  1. Wedowati.E.W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and I.K. Gunarta, 2018, A study of consumer preferences for customized product design, MATEC Web of Conferences 204, 01002 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih, Putu Dana Karningsih, Mokh Suef, and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2018, Performance model development for assessing maintenance service providers using the Kano model, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 1, (2018), abstract, link, Download
  3. Rafsanjani, S., and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2018, Quality Control And Improvement For Process Printing of the Product Package Using Integration Of FMEA-TRIZ, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018, abstract
  4. R Fitriani, Moses Laksono Singgih, B Syairudin, 2018, Strategy formulation for development of leather footwear centre based on capabilities and source of innovation (case study: leather footwear SMEs in Cibaduyut, Bandung), IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, No 3 (2018), abstract, link, Download
  5. Weny Findiastuti, Moses Laksono Singgih, Maria Anityasari, 2018, Indonesian Sustainable Food-availability Policy Assessment Using System Dynamics: A Solution for Complexities, Cogent Food & Agriculture  Volume 4, 2018 –Issue 1, abstract, link, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, Primahasmi Dalulia, Mokh. Suef, Putu Dana Karningsih, 2018, Performance Modelling for Maintenance Outsourcing Providers Based on the Kano Model, International Journal of Technology, (2018) 4: 797-808, abstract, link, Download


  1. Supriatna, A., Moses Laksono Singgih, E. Widodo, N. Kurniati, 2017, Preventive maintenance Considering OEE Threshold for Lease Equipment, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2017, abstract, download


  1. Prastawa. H., Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Hartono., 2016, Influence of Cognitive Aspect and Affective Aspects on the Usability Performance of E-Commerce, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, Download
  2. Supriatna. A., Moses Laksono Singgih, N. Kurniati, 2016,Preventive Maintenance Strategies Literature Review and Directions, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  3. Wedowati. E. R., Moses Laksono Singgih, I. K. Gunarta, 2016,Design for Mass Customization in Food Industry literature Review and Research Agenda, The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016, Phuket Thailand. abstract, link, Download
  4. Rosiawan, M., Moses Laksono Singgih, & Widodo, E. (2016). Cost of Quality, ISO 9001 and its Impact on Corporate Performance: A Literature Review. In The 7th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2016 (pp. 554–564), abstract, link, Download
  5. Wahjudi. D, M. L. singgih, P. Suwignjo and Imam Baihaqi, 2016, The relationship between organisational culture and firm performance: An empirical study on Indonesian manufacturing firms, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management , April 2016, abstract, link
  6. Mokh Suef, Suparno Suparno and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2016, Categorizing product attributes efficiently in QFD-Kano: a case analysis in telecommunication, The TQM Journal Vol. 29 No. 3, 2017 pp. 512-527 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1754-2731. abstract, link
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and Primahasmi Dalulia, 2016, Performance criteria development of maintenance service provider using case study approach analysis, 2nd International Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, abstract, link


  1. Dewi.N.P.W.S and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015,Meningkatkan Akurasi dan Presisi Measurement System Analysis dengan Pendekatan Process Oriented Basis Representation (Studi Kasus : PT. XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  2. Elean.A.Y.W. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Gula Aren dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing di Pabrik Gula Aren Masarang Tomohon, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  3. Hasan.M.S.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Factoring: Kajian Bisnis, Risiko, dan Mitigasinya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  4. Kurniawati.D.A. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Integrasi Servqual, IPA DAN QFD Sebagai Sarana Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Unit Pembiayaan di Bank Syariah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  5. Niwedya.N. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Operasional Hotel dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dan Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) (Studi Kasus: Hotel Yasmin Makassar), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  6. Pramitasari.L.M. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Deteksi False Alarm Menggunakan Residual Control Chart Berdasarkan Metode Support Vector Regression, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII. Surabaya, 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  7. Prihatini.T. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan VSAT Di PT XYZ dengan Metode Integrasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Dan Analisis Investasi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  8. Ririyani.V. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Peningkatan Efisiensi di PT. Varia Usaha Beton dengan Menerapkan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII,Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak,Download
  9. Tengtarto.M.A.K. and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2015, Attribute Gage Repeatability dan Reproducibility untuk Mengetahui Akurasi Pengukuran pada Proses Produksi Sarung Tangan Rajut di PT. X Gresik, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, Surabaya 1 Agustus 2015. abstrak, Download
  10. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2015, Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling for Mass Customization in Food Industry: A Conceptual Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2015, Yogyakarta, abstract, download


  1. Ekaputra.D.  dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2014, Peningkatan kepuasan konsumen pada bisnis restoran menggunaka Quality Function Deployment(Studi Kasus di Restoran Fusion Surabaya), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI,  Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  2. Irawati.D.Y., Moses Laksono Singgih and B. Syairuddin, 2014, Integrasi QFD dan Conjoint Analysis untuk mengetahui Preferensi konsumen dengan memperhitungkan Willingness to pay, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXI, Surabaya 19 Juli 2014. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih dan N. Nurlina, 2014, Alokasi Resource sebagai perbaikan produksi menggunakan Holonic Manufacturing System, Petri Net dan Aljabar Max – Plus, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  4.  Prastawa. H., U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, and M. Hartono, Pengembangan Model Pengukuran Usability yang mempertimbangkan Aspek Kognitif dan Afektif dengan Moderasi Dimensi Cultural: Research Framework, Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri BKSTI, 2014. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, Holonic Manufacturing System: Current Development and Future Applications, 3rd International Conference on Engineering & Technology Development 2014, Bandar Lampung 28-29 Oktober 2014. abstract, Download
  6. Endang Retno Wedowati, Moses Laksono Singgih, I Ketut Gunarta, 2014,Production System in Food Industry: A Literature Study, 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Bali, 2014, abstract, download
  7. Biswajit Sarkar, Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrónb, Mitali Sarkarc, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2014, An economic production quantity model with random defective rate, rework process and backorders for a single stage production system, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (2014) 423–435, abstract, link
  8. Mokh Suef, Suparno, Moses L. Singgih, Ronald Sukwadi, Eny Widawati, 2014, Utilizing claims, complaints, and company initiatives as VOC in a product development using QFD-Kano approach, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 22 (2014) pp. 15383-15393 , abstract, link


  1. Suef M. , Suparno . , and Moses Laksono Singgih , 2013, Quality Initiatives as QFD-Kano Technical Re-sponses: a Conceptual Model, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science ,  2013. abstract, Download
  2.  Findiastuti, W., Moses Laksono Singgih., and M. Anityasari, 2013, Eco-Efficiency Production-Consumption For Sustainable Food Security: A Proposed Framework, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 2013. abstract, Download
  3. Wahjudi. D. , Moses Laksono Singgih. , P. Suwignjo, and I. Baihaqi , 2013, The Impact of Organizational Culture on Firm Performance: An Empirical Research on Indonesian Manufacturing Firms, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science , 2013. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, D.L. Trenggonowati, and P. D. Karningsih, 2013, Four Phases Quality Function Deployment (QFD) By Considering Kano Concept, Time and Manufacturing Cost, 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development, 2013. abstract, Download


  1. Darmapala dan Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) Untuk Natural Gas Pipeline Pada Perusahaan X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi AHP-Index Model, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  2. Yoserizal, Y. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Integrasi Metode Dematel (Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) dan ANP (Analytic Network Process) dalam Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  3. Saputra, R. A. , Moses Laksono Singgih , 2012, Perbaikan Proses Produksi Blender Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XV, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2012. abstrak, Download
  4. Wahjudi,  D. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and P. Suwignjo , 2012, Impact of Quality Management Practices On Business Performance A Research Model Development, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  5. Findiastuti, W. , Moses Laksono Singgih, and  M. Anityasari,  2012, Eco-Efficiency Challenges in Adjusting Productivity of Agriculture For Food Security Purpose, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download
  6. Suef M., Suparno, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2012, Quality Initiative Resource Allocation To Maximize Customer Satisfaction In QFD – Kano Model, International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University , Thailand 18-22 Pebruari 2012. abstract, Download


  1. Fanani, Z. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011, Implementasi Lean Manufacturing Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas (Studi kasus pada PT. Ekamas Fortuna Malang), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  2. Wicaksono, I.K  dan  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2011,  Manajemen Risiko K3 (Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja) Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Puncak Permai Surabaya, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  3. Puspitasari, M. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Dan Perbaikan Sistem Evaluasi Kelayakan Pengambilan Kredit Di Bank Syariah X , Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  4. Priyandika, C  dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Pengambilan Keputusan Multi Kriteria Dalam Pemilihan Vendor Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Dengan Pendekatan Risk Management dan Analysis Network Process (ANP), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  5. Tjiong, W dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Perbaikan Sistem Produksi Divisi Injection Dan Blow Plastik DI CV. Asia Dengan Metode Lean Manufacturing, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  6. Suhartini, N., A. Mahbubah, A. Muid, U. Ciptomulyono, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Rancangan Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Green Productivity Dan Environmental Management Accounting Untuk Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  7. Handayani, N dan Moses Laksono Singgih, M. Suef , 2011, Pengembangan Model Intqual Untuk Peningkatan Internal Service Quality Di Pendidikan Tinggi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  8. Salim A., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan E. Nurmianto,2011, Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan Menggunakan Servqual Dan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) (Studi Kasus pada Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas XYZ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 5 Pebruari 2011. abstrak, Download
  9. Sianturi H. P. dan Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien Unit Instalasi Rawat Jalan (IRJ) RUMKITAL DR Ramelan Surabaya dengan Menggunakan Metode SERVQUAL dan QFD,Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  10. Sedyandini P. dan  Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Analisa Inventory Turnover pada Produk Ekspor pada PT Schering Plough Indonesia, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIV Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 23 Juli 2011. abstrak, Download
  11. Findiastuti W. , M. Anityasari, Moses Laksono Singgih, 2011, Green  Productivity  IndexDo  Different  Terms Measure The Same Things?, Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  12. Wahjudi D., Moses Laksono Singgih, dan P. Suwignjo,2011, Impact  of  Quality  Management  Practices  on  Firm Performance: The Research Evolution,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan  H. N. Yudasidhi, 2011, Service  Productivity  Measurement  and  Improve – ment With Multi Factor Approach,Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science,  20-21 September  2011. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih dan S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination Of New Branch for Laboratory, Proceedings of ICIEBM 2010, Yogyakarta – Indonesia. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih and YB. H. Purnasakti, 2010,  Evaluation of Relationship Marketing Using Service Profit Chain Model to Improve Customer Loyalty Ordinary, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Ardhiyani, 2010, Integrating SERVQUAL with KANO into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Better Quality of Services Case Study: PT Pos Indonesia, Branch Office of Sidoarjo, INFORMS Service Science, Conference National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-10, 2010. abstract, Download
  4. Nurdianto, and Moses Laksono Singgih, 2010, Optimasi Revenue Dan Performansi Jaringan Seluler Menggunakan Algoritma Call  Admission Control Dan Dynamic Pricing (Studi Kasus di PT Telkomsel Regional Jawa Timur), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XII, Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978979-99735-9-7. abstrak, Download
  5. Sutrisno, O. dan Moses Laksono Singgih,  2010, Perancangan Tata Letak Dan Investasi MesinProduksi crank case di PT. Tri Ratna Diesel untukMeningkatkanKapasitas Produksi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIIProgram Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 7 Agustus 2010, ISBN : 978-602-97491-1-3. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Tamara Yuanita,  2010, Analysis Of Technology Selection To Reduce Co2 Emissions In Sponge Iron Plant Using Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), The 3rd Accounting & The 2nd Doctoral Colloquium Bridging the Gap between Theory, Research and Practice : IFRS Convergence and Application Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia, 27 – 28 Oktober 2010. abstract, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih, M.Suef and C. Adi Putra, 2010, Waste Reduction with Green Productivity Approach for Increasing Productivity (Case Study : PT Indopherin Jaya), The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference,The 14th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research,Melaka, 7 – 10 December 2010. abstract, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, and S. Handayani ,2010, Location Determination of New Branch for Laboratory Clinic X,IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics – Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2) ISSN 1913-8342, pp. 20-26, 2010, ICIEBM selected paper. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2009 , Prioritizing Healthcare Service Attributes: Comparing Importance Performance Analysis and KANO’s Model, International Conference 2nd APCOMS, 04 Nov 2009. Down
  2. Nurcahyanie, Y.D., Moses Laksono Singgih, and  B. Santoso, 2009, Product Design Development For Modular Computer Table To Support Green Lifecycle Engineering, 2nd APCOMS, International Conference, 2nd APCOMS 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  3. Prasetyawan, Y. , and  Moses Laksono Singgih,  2009, Traffic Information Service Design For Radio’s Customer Based On Automated Traffic Identification System, 2nd APCOMS, Seminar Internasional 2nd APCOMS , 04 Nov 2009. abstract, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and A. I. Pamungkas ,  2009,  Implementing Grey Model And Value Analysis In Qfd Process To Increase Customer Satisfaction (Case Study At Juanda International Airport-Surabaya), Internasional Conference Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2009. abstract, Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Optimization of East Java Economy By Applying Goverment Police To Maximize Employment Absorption (Linier Programming Input-Output Model) , Jurnal of Quantitative Methods Journal Devoted to The Mathematical & Statistical Applications In Various Fields, ISSN: 1693-5098,Volume 4, Nomor 2, USA December 2008. abstract, Download
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan P.D. Prasetyo,2008, Analisa Produktivitas Kegiatan Promosi Terhadap Brand Awarenees Isp X, Jurnal Teknik Industri , ISSN: 1978-1431, Volume 9, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2008. abstrak, Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penilaian Kinerja Suatu Jurusan Dengan Kriteria Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award & Penentuan Ranking Menggunakan Analytic Network Process (ANP), Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Informatika, ISSN: 1693-6604, Volume 6, Nomor 3, Malang, Agustus 2008. Abstrak, Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih, S.G.Partiwi and E.Warimantouw, 2008, Pengembangan Model Produktifitas Dengan Pendekatan Buyer-Seller Relationship, STIE-IBMT Surabaya,  Eksekutif Journal of Business & Management, ISSN: 1829-7501, Volume 5, Nomor 2, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih and N. Afida, 2008,Peningkatan Produktifitas Melalui Usaha Waste Reduction Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity (Studi Kasus: PT. ECCO Tarnery Indonesia), Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan – FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jatim, Volume 9, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih and M. Kariana,2008, Peningkatan Produktifitas & Kinerja Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity Pada Rumah Pemotongan, Purifikasi: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Lingkungan, ISSN: 1411-3465, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan FTSP-ITS & Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan & Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia-Jawa Timur, Volume 9,Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih and  Edy Triyento, 2008, Minimasi Waktu Tempuh Ambulan Dalam Penanganan Pasien Gawat Darurat (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit X di Surabaya) , Optima Jurnal Keilmuan Aplikasi Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, ISSN: 0216-0048, Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI-ITS, Volume 2, Nomor 2, Surabaya, Juli 2008. abstrak, Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Input Output Analysis For Development Of Oil Refinery In Bojonegoro, International Conference on Quantitative Methods Used In Economics and Business, ISSN: 1979-9829, Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung, Held on October 15-17, 2008 Indonesia – Bandar Lampung. abstract, Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, H.A. Saroso and E.Widodo, System Dinamic Modelling to Evaluate E-Business System, International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta dan Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarata, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih,2008, Satisfaction Analysis of Customers and Process Improvment of Forwarding Company Using Return On Quality (ROQ) and Service Quality (SERQUAL), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN: 1978-774X, Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta & Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia – Jakarta, October 25th 2008. abstract, Download
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Human Resource System Performance Measurement and Improvement Using Human Resource Scorecard Six Sigma Aproach (Case Study: PT. Telkom Human Resource Area 05 East Java), International Conference 9th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference, ISBN: 978-97938925-0-6, ITS-Surabaya, ITB-Bandung & Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknk Industri, Indonesia – Bali, 3-5 December 2008. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Perumusan Strategi Manajemen Induk Perusahaan Terhadap Anak Perusahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Berdasarkan Resiko Bisnis, Seminar Nasional In Search for National Competitiveness Through Quality Management. & Improvement In Manufacturing Service & Public Sector, ISBN: 979-545-042-5, Jurusan TI-FTI-ITS, Surabaya 19 Januari 2008. Down
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Konsep Green & Lean Productivity Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Produktifitas (Studi Kasus: Instalasi Penjernihan Air Minum II PDAM Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  14. Moses Laksono Singgih, dan M.Vina Permata, 2008, Pendekatan Lean Thingking Dalam Meminimasi Waste Pada Sistem Pemenuhan Order Guna Mengurangi Biaya & Waktu, Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. abstrak, Download
  15. Moses Laksono Singgih dan A. Wahyukusuma,2008, Pendekatan Lean Production untuk Mengurangi Waste pada Proses Produksi Kaca, Jurusan Teknik IndustriInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2008. abstrak, Download
  16. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Pemilihan Alternatif Perbaikan Untuk Meminimasi Biaya Lingkungan Dengan Pendekatan Enviromental Manag. Accounting (Studi Kasus: PT. Kertas Leces Persero),Seminar Nas. Mantek VII Peran Menajemen Teknologi Dlm Meningkatkan Kinerja Yang Dinamis, ISBN: 978-979-99735-4-2, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 2 Pebruari 2008. Down
  17. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Loyalitas Pelanggan & Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Dengan Menggunakan Metode Return On Quality (ROQ)Pada Perusahaan Asuransi,Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi & Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02-08-2008. abstrak, Download
  18. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Dengan Metode Value Added, Seminar Nas. Mantek VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nas., ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  19. Moses Laksono Singgih dan M.Kariana, 2008, Perancangan Alat Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan & Meningkatkan Rumah Pemotongan Ayam, Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi VIII, Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi dan Technopreneurship Untuk Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi Nasional, ISBN: 978-979-99735-6-6, S2 MMT-ITS, Surabaya, 02 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  20. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008,  Implementasi Green Productyvity Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kinerja Lingkungan Pendekatan Lean Production Untuk Mengurangi Waste Pada Proses Produksi Kaca, SMART 2008 Seminar on Application and Research in Industrial Technology, ISBN: 978-979-18825-0-7, Lab. Sisprod. Teknik Mesin & Industri – UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. Down
  21. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Efisiensi Relatif Pada Perusahaan Keramik Dengan Data Envelopment Analysis, Seminar Nasional Mesin dan Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  22. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Jasa Perhotelan Dengan Metode Return On Quality (ROG) (Studi Kasus: Hotel X, Surabaya), Seminar Nasional Mesin & Industri (SNMI 4) 2008 Riset Aplikatif Bidang Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri, ISBN: 978-979-95752-8-9,, Jurusan Teknik Mesin – Fakultas Teknologi Mesin – Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, 28 Agustus 2008. abstrak, Download
  23. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Analisa Pengaruh Ekplorasi Gas Bumi Terhadap Perekonomian Jawa Timur Melalui Pendekatan Input Output, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Surabaya, September 6 th , 2008. Down
  24. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Optimasi Perekonomian Jawa Timur Dengan Memaksimalkan Ekspor Barang Dagang Model Input-Output Linier Programing, The 2nd National Conference Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, ISSN: 1978-6522, Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Katholik Widya Mandala Surabaya, UWM Surabaya, September 6th , 2008. Down
  25. Moses Laksono Singgih dan V. Chandra, Pengukuran Efisiensi Jasa Pelayanan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum Dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Studi Kasus: SPBU G, SPBU K, SPBU S, SPBU J) ,Seminar Teknosim 2008 Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi 2008″, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  26. Moses Laksono Singgih, and Renanda, 2008, Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Kertas Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Six Sigma di Pabrik Kertas Y, Seminar Teknosim 2008, ISSN: 1978-6522, Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri – Fakultas Teknologi – Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, 16 Oktober 2008. abstrak, Download
  27. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2008, Penerapan Green Productivity Pada Pabrik Pengelolahan & Pendinginan Ikan, Seminar Nasional Green Product, Pengembangan Product Rumah Lingkungan, ISSN: 978-97919099-0,  Universitas Brawijaya Malang Bekerja sama dengan PT. Pertamina, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 10 November 2008. abstrak, Download
  28. Moses Laksono Singgih dan E. Dewita, 2008, Analisa Beban Kerja Karyawan Pada Departemen Umum & Logistik Dengan Metode Work Load Analisis di Perusahaan Percetakan, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2008, Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, 22 Nopember 2008. abstrak, Download
  29. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Mariska, 2008, Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi & Pencapaian Cost Reduction Dengan Metode Activity – Based Management di PT. X, Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  30. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Erlin Tri Anggraini , 2008,  Analisa Efisiensi Distribusi Listrik Menggunakan Analisa Resiko Operasional (Studi Kasus: PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) APJ Pasuruan), Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Sains & Teknologi 2008, ISBN: 1979-911X, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, 13 Desember 2008. Down
  31. Moses Laksono Singgih, Sri Gunani Partiwi and Arnita Rishanty, 2008, Analisa Keterkaitan Loyalitas Pelanggan & Loyalitas Karyawan (Studi Kasus: Supermarket HE, BO, TK, & TM di Surabaya) , Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Unmuh. Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  32. Moses Laksono Singgih, S. G. Partiwi and Arum S.,2008, Pengukuran Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia Dengan Menggunakan Humand Resource Scorecard di PT. JB, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Simposium Nasional RAPI VII 2008, ISBN: 1412-9612, Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, 18 Desember 2008. abstrak, Download
  33. Moses Laksono Singgih. 2008, Optimization of East Java Economy by Applying Government Policy to MAximize Employment Absorbtion. Journal of Quantititive Methods . Volume 4, Nomor 2, 2008. Download


  1. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Produktivitas Personel Dalam Penentuan Pemberian Insentif Karyawan di Perusahaan Pembangkit Listrik, Volume 8, Nomor 1, Malang, Februari 2007,Jurnal Teknik Industri, ISSN: 1978-1431. Down
  2. Moses Laksono Singgih dan H. Kistanthy,2007, Evaluation of Green Productivity In Frosting Process At Glass Factory In Surabaya (Evaluasi Green Prudutivity Pada Proses Frosting Pada Perusahaan Gelas Lampu di Surabaya), Malahayati University-Bandar Lampung-Indonesia, Indonesia, Bandar Lampung, July 25-26, 2007,International Conference on Green Technology and Engineering (ICGTE-2007), ISBN: 1978-5933. Download
  3. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ahmad Fatih Fudhla, 2007, Redesign of Manufacturing Process For Gear Transmission Box Component of Hand Tractor 7, The 3rd International Conference on Product Design and Development 2007, ISBN: 979-389656-6,Departement of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Gajah Mada University, Indonesia – Yogyakarta, December 12th, 2007. link . Download
  4. Moses Laksono Singgih and Ismu Kusumanto, 2007, Penerapan Metode Damodaran Dalam Perhitungan Nilai Finansial Merek Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Pugh & AHP (Studi Kasus: Lembaga Vokasional X), ITS Surabaya, Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  5. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Review Prosedur Operasi Standart Dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Nilai Akreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional (Studi Kasus: D3, Program Studi Perencanaan Konstruksi Kapal Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya ITS Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), Surabaya, 2 Agustus 2007 ,Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana VII Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian & Pendidikan Pascasarjana, Peran Pascasarjana Dalam Menjawab Era Kebutuhan Global, ISBN: 979-545-0270-1. Down
  6. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Analisa Kegiatan Bongkar Muat Pada PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya Untuk Mempercepat Proses Bongkar Muat, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang, 4 September 2007,Seminar Nasional Standardisasi dan Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2. Download
  7. Moses Laksono Singgih dan K.R. Dewi , 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Kinerja Lingkungan & Peningkatan Produktifitas Menggunakan Metode Green Produktivity di Pabrik Gula, UNDIP – Semarang & Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN), Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nasional . Standardisasi Pendidikan & Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, Semarang, 4 September 2007. Download
  8. Moses Laksono Singgih dan R.Kristian ,2007, Peningkatan Produktifitas Divisi Produksi Peralatan Industri Proses Pada PT. Barata Indonesia Dengan Value Stream Mapping, UNDIP Semarang & BSN, Semarang,Pertemuan & Presentasi Ilmiah 2007, Seminar Nas. Standardisasi & Pendidikan Standardisasi Untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Daya Saing Industri, ISBN: 978-979-97571-2, 4 September 2007. Download
  9. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Pengukuran Dampak Lingkungan Menggunakan Enviromental Management Accounting, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT – UGM, Yogyakarta, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, 6 September 2007. Download
  10. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Evaluasi & Perbaikan Proses Produksi Untuk Mereduksi Non Value Adding Activity Dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma Pada PT. Iglas,Seminar Nasional Teknologi Simulasi III 2007, ISBN: 979-15577-7-1, Jurusan Teknik Mesin & Industri FT-UGM Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 6 September 2007. Down
  11. Moses Laksono Singgih, 2007, Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas & Lingkungan Kinerja Pada Proses Betanning Dengan Metode Green Produktivity, Seminar Nasional Teknolgi Simulasi 2007 (TEKNOSIM 2007) Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8 ,Fakultas Teknologi Industri – Universitas Islam IndonesiaYogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Down
  12. Moses Laksono Singgih dan Andrie Sandi Pramono, Penentuan Kebijakan Perbaikan Sistem Distribusi Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Thingking, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri : Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Yogjakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download
  13. Moses Laksono Singgih dan I.D.N Sari, Pengukuran dan Peningkatan Pelayanan Perbaikan Gangguan Telepon Pada PT. X Dengan Pendekatan Six Sigma, Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2007 Inovasi Teknologi Dalam Bisnis dan Industri: Peluang dan Tantangan, ISBN: 978-979-96964-5-8, FTI-UII Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, 10 Nopember 2007. Download

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